Do you have a question you’d like to personally ask Gov. Mike Dunleavy about his policies or political decisions? He will be headed to Palmer as the featured speaker for the Jan. 15 town-hall-styled meeting of the Mat-Su Chapter of the Association of Mature American Citizens (AMAC).
The general public is invited to attend the 11 a.m. gathering at Real Life Church (10697 E. Palmer-Wasilla Hwy) where the governor will deliver some opening comments before fielding live questions from the audience.
The event will be moderated by Mike Coons, president of Mat-Su AMAC. In addition to challenging questions, which audience members will be allowed to ask unfiltered, Coons is encouraging attendees to publicly share some concrete solutions with the governor.
Click here for more information.
Please tell the governor for me that if the legislators don’t start work on day one they don’t get paid anything from the state and no back pay either. They work like normal people or don’t get paid. It’s that simple.
Come and ask him.
Mike Coons is a political hack Jobber ( APPOINTEE ) for Dunleavy. NOT surprising he would be moderator for this loser!
Really? You a buddy of Landfield, the liar?
NO just a Son of a before Statehood Homesteader on the Kashwitna River ! Was I right or wrong ? I see you didn’t deny my statement. Typical of the same kind of guy as Dumbleavy & his Lackies !
Ed. I am a Commissioner on Commission on Aging. Yes appointed by Governor Dunleavy.
I’m also President Matsu Chapter AMAC Action.
The Governor was invited to speak to my members. My members are free to ask anything they want. Many are concerned about Dr Zink, PFD, budget, OCS, etc.
So, again are you a Landfield lucky? He and his lackies attacked me the same as you.
Frankly I could care less. From your comments sound like a far right wing as well. Just as bad as far left socialists.
Ed, do us all a favor and stop being a jerk in the comment section. You must live in a very black and white world. I feel very sorry for people like you.
Mr. Joel Davidson,
These questions must be answered for the Alaskan people by Gov. Dunleavy and Dr. Zink being the Chief medical officer for the state .
1. Provide all available clinical evidence of the isolated COVID-19 virus and each known variant and the methods by which these variants have been identified and isolated.
2. Provide all available clinical evidence that maska have been successful in preventing the spread of COVID-19 including which masks have been the most effective at preventing the spread of COVID-19. In addition, provide the means by which this evidence was confirmed, along with all available information provided by the mask manufacturers concerning the use of masksfor this purpose.
3. Provide all available clinical evidence that proves “social distancing” has been effective at stopping the spread of COVID-19 and the sources of clinical evidence.
4. Provide all available clinical evidence that COVID-19 “vaccines” are in fact, true traditional vaccines that provide immunity, and not experimental mRNA gene theropy technology.
5. Provide all available clinical evidence that COVID-19 “vaccines” are effective at preventing COVID-19 infection and which have been proven to be most effective.
6. Provide all available clinical evidence that COVID-19 “vaccines” are effective at preventing the spread of COVID-19 and which vaccines have proven to be most effective at preventing the spread of COVID-19, along with all supporting clinical reports.
7. Provide all available clinical evidence that COVID-19 “vaccines” have proven to be safe for human use, backed by clinical data concerning related illness, adverse events, and deaths, which have followed the use of vaccines, and which vaccines have been the least safe, according to all available clinical evidence, including all related mammalian trials.
8. Provide a detailed list of all ingredients in the COVID-19 “vaccines” currently in use, broken out bt each vaccine manufacture and each vaccine dose and batch, as produced by each manufacturer.
9. Provide all available clinical evidence of known adverse events associated with each COVID-19 “vaccine” currently in use, separate by manufacture, dose and batch, taking into account all available adverse event reporting systems, both within the USA and all foreign clinical COVID-19 tracking and reporting systems.
10. Provide all available evidence as it pertains to all current COVID-19 “vaccines” in use is the USA today, that each is in fact FDA approved for broad public use, and not just FDA authorization for emergency use only.
11. Provide all available clinical evidence that any “emergency” exists to justify “emergency use only” FDA status.
12. Please provide the clinical information on which batches or lots of the COVID-19 “vaccine” carry which sequence of RNA or DNA.
13. Provide all clinical information and documentation on long-term effects to include sudw effects of all mRNA vaccines for COVID-19.
Without these questions being answered by the Govenor and the Chief medical officer (Dr. Zink) the emergency was all a part of a much darker reality that is proving to be on a global scale of genocide.
I agree.
NAV come and ask one of those questions.
Just for your information better to ask why these questions are being avoided by the Govenor and Dr. Zink they were submitted by Senator Reinbold and just recently in Juneau when the question were being asked again in a zoom conference her phone was cut off ?
I so agree with you Nav. Unfortunately Dumbleavy will not answer any of your questions he will turn them over to the double speakers with forked tongues !!
Hopefully someone will ask him to clarify his position on calling a constitutional convention.
Come and ask him.
How about you asking why he refuses along with Zink who also refuse to answer these questions? You represent the Alaskan people or the Administration? How about you answer these 13 questions here on the Alaskan Watchman?
Dunleavy wants into the Permanent Dividend Fund. Like a blank check because the last decision to re-do disbursement of the PFD to residents of Alaska has given the legislature the ball on amounts if any. The only thing Dunleavy has to do is write and sponsor a bill to completely repeal the last time the calculations were refigured. His good friend, who he set up for a good job, Parnell, did the work on that bill for the sake of his former employer buddies, the oil companies of course. Subsequently, with Parnell’s help, Dunleavy elected and putting Parnell into a good job at the University. So, with all that good advice, Dunleavy moves ahead on the need to have a constitutional convention. In the meantime, does anyone ever ask why does Dunleavy, and his decision making, gets himself into so many lawsuits with poor judgment of hiring people that are so questionable. Of course, the law department loves it. Many turnovers there, but a good job is just around the corner, for a while. All the political buddies are there and the potenetial lawsuits follow him like bad breath.
Hey, Fritz please call me . Ed 907-252-7857
NAV There will be many questions by the membership re China Virus, PFD, Budget, etc. I will ask one question and open to the audience.
You putting this all on the Governor is wrong. I am no fan of Dr Zink and DPH’s handling of this and the Governor knows that. He will hear from the membership as well. Instead of bellyaching to me, come and ask a 2 minute question. Or if you can’t come, watch the live feed by the Watchman or Politiadick or Must Read Alaska.
So not a very big venue for the Governor. Why there?
What I have to work with in the valley. I’m betting I can seat over a 100.
? Really, Menard Center, Fair grounds, Wasilla bible, Church on the Rock, any gym, nothing against Pastor Orzalli but ive been in RL and yeah 100 but its the Governor. You certainky have more to choose from.
Akdale. Do you have the money for my chapter to use those venues? I think not. I use what I can and at no cost. Don’t like it, tough.
Will hold around 100. I’m limited in venues. Was at Wasilla Senior Center, but sadly policy knocked that out. I still have Chugiak and Palmer Senior Centers to use as well as Real Life Church.
How about Dunleavy’s office. isn’t that what the government pays for?
Sorry Mr Coons i have done plenty of event planning in the Valley. This was a miss in my opinion. But thank you for organizing it, you deserve to be thanked for sure
Update to your comment. We had 105 people there. We didn’t fill it up by any means. Looking at the empty Pews, would guess had room for another 50-75 people.
I’m going to ask a question when I get there but because I assume I will only be given an opportunity to ask one question I would like to ask another one here that maybe someone could present to him
Why hasn’t dunleavy released Kelly Tshibaka from her oath of silence regarding her investigation into the division of elections when it was stated to Kelly that the intent of the findings would be for public knowledge?
Trust in government is impossible with this type of crap going on
Your assumption is correct. If you can ask within the 2 minutes two questions, no problem, but 2 minutes is max.
Google this on YouTube – it is BEYOND hilarious: Must See Hilarious Public Speaking Challenge: Biden Vs. DeSantis
(Who would you rather have leading you?)
I would like to understand more about DaveMaxwell’s comment regarding Kelly Tshibaka and an oath of silence about her investigation into the Division of Elections.
What I got from the Governor was she is free to talk about this all she wants. There may well be areas that can’t be discussed, by anyone due to on going State Trooper investigation and possible legal action. That is generic, not aimed at Kelly.