The Anchorage Assembly is once again urging residents to get fully on board with promoting all things LGBTQ+ during the month of June.

A resolution to this end was submitted for the June 7 meeting by Assembly members Suzanne LaFrance, Christopher Constant, Randy Sulte, Forrest Dunbar, Kameron Perez-Verdia, Pete Peterson, Austin Quinn-Davidson, Felix Rivera and Meg Zaletel.
While most of the above figures are widely considered to be hard leftists, Randy Sulte was recently elected by conservative residents to counter the leftist majority. The Watchman reached out to Sulte to find out why he is supporting the Pride Month resolution. In a brief email response Sulte said he’s not 100% sure he will keep his name on the resolution, but noted that he does have a family member who identifies with the LGBTQ community.
The proposed resolution calls on Anchorage to celebrate the 1969 Stonewall riots in New York, which were sparked by violent LGBTQ protesters after police raided a gay bar run by local mafia without a liquor license. The resolution also promotes gay pride events around Anchorage.
The proposed resolution directs Anchorage residents to participate in events that promote the LGBTQ lifestyle, including occasions for children.
“The story of Anchorage’s LGBTQ+ communities is America’s story,” the resolution states. “An integral part of our long, ongoing struggle to realize the American promise of equality under the law and equality of opportunity in our society, while protecting and guaranteeing privacy rights.”
The resolution goes on to heap praise on the 2015 Anchorage law that added sexual orientation and gender identity as protected legal classifications that local businesses, non-profits and even religious groups had to follow when making hiring decisions or determining how to run their entities.
Critics of the law warned that it would be used to target individuals and groups with deeply held traditional beliefs about marriage and human sexuality. In fact, the city employed the law in 2018 against the Downtown Hope Center, a faith-based battered women’s shelter that declined to let a biological male, who identified as transgender, sleep in close quarters with women who have suffered physical and sexual abuse at the hands of men.
After a lengthy lawsuit, the city was ultimately forced to settle with the women’s shelter and pay $100,000 in legal fines. The law, however, is still on the books and enforcement looms for other groups that may hold similar traditional or religious views about marriage and sexuality.
The proposed resolution for the June 7 meeting directs Anchorage residents to participate in upcoming events that promote the LGBTQ lifestyle, including occasions for children. It highlights “Pride-events” listed on the website of Identity Alaska, a radical LGBTQ activist group that has, in the past, organized Drag Queen performances at the Loussac Library for young children. While there are no youth targeted drag shows set for this year, Identity does list an LGBTQ “family friendly” drum circle at the Mountain View Library in which attendees are encouraged to dress in “Pride regalia” as they “laugh, dance, and share our spirits in community through rhythm and drumming.”
Other events listed on the website include adult drag shows, a LGBTQ block party with free HIV testing and an after-party, a PrideFest celebration and a “Rainbow Run” to raise money for a group that promotes homosexuality and the LGBTQ lifestyle to Alaskan youth.
— Click here to read the resolution.
— Click here to contact members of the Anchorage Assembly.
— Click here for information on how to participate in the June 7 Anchorage Assembly meeting.
All they really want to do is to “rub their perverse lifestyle” in the faces of traditional Americans – and in the process destroy the bulwark of western civilization – the Family.
Hey, fellow “town square” debaters – the old Alaska Watchman comments section is back up and running – join the conversation!
Not happening here I will not be celebrating it
If LGBTQ people want to be perverted so be it. Just do it on your own and stop pushing it on others. It’s the craming of it down my throat that I dislike and am against. As for Drag Queen at the library, we’ll that in my book is child porn. That’s wrong. It’s just like school books that sexualize children at what age? Kindergarten children now. I call that child porn. You should take a long hard look at what your forcing onto people. Do it on your own but don’t force it on others. That my bottom line.
My copy doesn’t say anywhere that the resolution “directs Anchorage residents to participate.” Was there an amendment that I missed?
Glad to be back, joining the conversation
Sick and disgusting lost souls.
When are we getting our Normal God fearing, Straight pride month/year
Wait God created men and women end of story.
Hey I like a previous comment “stop pushing it on others” You hear that LGBT folks? Do your thing and stop pushing it on me and others who are not LBGT, who the hell cares that you are deviant, I sure as hell dont, just stop shoving it on us and especially the children. Who the hell pushes this on kids? I cant rationalize that, not one bit it reeks of a sick deviancy and if the Anchorage assembly is pushing this then they are a huge problem.
If this resolution is so bad, can we expect Mayor Bronson to veto it??? I’ve got $100 that says he lacks the balls to do so.
Mr. Sulte is apparently torn between doing what is right versus following in the footsteps of Allard and Cross and the Eagle River folks who helped get him elected.
The real agenda is going after our kids. They get old and need a new supply line.
They fallow satin and are deceivers of good, God will judge all.
I support the LGBTQ movement and have so since 2020. The “Let’s Get Biden To Quit” movement is the most sane movement the Libs and snowflakes have ever attempted.
A replay of Sodom and Gomorrah doesn’t appeal to me.
Do you think they might also recognize June as the Sacred Heart of Jesus month? Probably not…
It is ridiculous to single out a group and give them an entire month of “celebrations”.
Maybe they could proclaim July as Liberty month? I mean it only gets 1 day right now and surely our freedom from tyrannies deserves much more recognition.
This Assembly pretty much just does whatever it wants.
So Randy Stulte is a groomer. If he isn’t himself taking advantage of children, he’s grooming them for the other monsters in Anchorage to take advantage of. Why? “I have a LGTBQ+ member in my family.” So he isn’t a man that makes decisions for the good of the people who elected him or even the good of the community. I hope people see that voting does not matter. You think these people will represent you when you donate, volunteer, and vote for them but they never do. Sickening.