Transgender and homosexual rights activists descended on the Mat-Su’s Alaska State Fairground July 9th to promote in drag queens, peddle pro-abortion shwag and hawk bizarre trinkets centered around the culture of death.
Hosted by the activist group, The Queen’s Guard, the all-ages “Underground Pride” event was marketed to families, teens and young children.
The Underground Pride Facebook page shows a video montage highlighting event sponsors and vendors who were pushing various items to attendees. These included small daggers, key-chain attack knives, meat cleavers, abortion paraphernalia and various artistic renditions of sculls, coffins and human organs, among other items.
Entertainment for the day included all-ages drag queen performers, gay “marriage” ceremonies and a live DJ.
Democratic U.S. Senate Candidate Pat Chesbro was on hand to talk up her views on abortion rights and LGBTQ political activism with youth and others.
The Queens Guard operates as a nonprofit that promotes LGBTQ social issues, political action and entertainment across Alaska. It also actively encourages gender-confused youth to explore myriad LGBTQ sexual identities.
There trying to infiltrate all parts of Alaska.
We need to stand up to this Sickening disgusting evil
Anyone else notice Joel never misses a gay event? Doth thou protest too much?