On Aug. 4, Americans for Prosperity Foundation is hosting a free Ranked Choice Voting educational presentation and Q&A event at the Wilda Marson Theater in Anchorage’s Loussac Library. Doors open at 5:30 p.m. with refreshments provided.
Presenter, Bernadette Wilson, is the state director for Americans for Prosperity Alaska. She has studied ranked choice voting in depth, exploring the in-and-outs of a process that many Alaskans find bewildering.
In 2020, Alaskans narrowly passed Ballot Measure 2 (by a margin of 50.5% to 49.4%) which established a new, and rather confusing way of tabulating votes. On Aug. 16, Alaskans will use the ranked-choice scheme for the regular primary election.
— How many candidates do you have to vote for in a single race?
— Can you vote for the same candidate multiple times?
— How does the complicated run-off system actually work?
— What happens if you only vote for one candidate?
Wilson will discuss all these questions and more during the strictly educational and non-partisan townhall event.
Those who can’t attend the presentation in-person can watch live on Facebook.
Another question. What must we do to rid our state of Ranked Choice Voting?
The legislators in Juneau can change this. We just need to get honest God fearing people in office to stand up to this cheating system and this woke agenda.
Since it was voted on and ‘passed’ I am not sure what we need to do but maybe that will be addressed at this presentation.
There’s got to be something we can do besides waiting on our legislators or voting in good ones…if we’re not willing to do the research to answer our questions here, perhaps we have not yet suffered enough…
I do hope this question is addressed at the August 4th presentation.
Rank choice was designed by cheaters to facilitate cheating. Combined with mass mailings of ballots and electronic voting machines, there will be no more honest elections in this state.
I hope miss Wilson will invite Mike pacarro to tell us how much money he made from Lisa murkowski to promote this fraud called RCV!!!
In an electoral system run by proprietary Dominion vote-tabulation gear, ballot harvesting, dark money, and corrupted voter rolls even the Lieutenant Governor, the Conoco-Phillips guy, by his own admission can’t fix, how can anyone say truthfully that -Alaskan voters- narrowly passed Ballot Measure 2 by a margin of 50.5% to 49.4%?
So soon we forget the Great Alaska LeDoux Vote Experiment? Might the new and improved and undetectable version have made that teensy .6% possible?
The very best Ms. Bernadette and company can do is explain how they think RCV should work.
We have no idea how RCV -will- work.
Hard to imagine anyone outside the electoral system being granted forensic-level access to figure out how RCV -did- work, at lest until the self-cancelling files and shredding routines finish what they’re supposed to do.
Sure and the French did an election virtually overnight with 30 million voters but Alaskans are way different, with so much money and power at stake which can not be entrusted to amateur paper-ballot counters.
Vive la difference, non?