While U.S. Sen. Lisa Murkowski asserts to be both Catholic and Republican, her statements and public actions objectively undermine these claims.
The Catholic Church has consistently taught that marriage – the bedrock of human society – is the lifelong union of one man and one woman, and that unborn babies are created in the image of God – deserving of our undying protection, love and care from the very moment of conception.
Murkowski’s voting record betrays these truths. She is a vocal advocate of same-sex marriage and an entrenched ally of those who believe unborn children can be killed in the womb if they are deemed unwanted or inconvenient.
For decades, local bishops and priests have failed to publicly call Murkowski to account.
Similarly, Murkowski continues to brandish her Republican bona fides, despite opposing the actual party platform, which likewise officially recognizes marriage as the union of one man and one woman, and states that unborn life must be protected from those who would destroy babies through abortion.
These are not peripheral issues, but the very foundations on which society and all human rights rest.
Thankfully, Alaska’s Republican Party has censured Murkowski for abandoning the party platform. She is no longer endorsed or supported by the GOP in her home state.
Unfortunately, the leadership of the Catholic Church has failed to take similar action. For decades, local bishops and priests have failed to publicly call Murkowski to account. Whether out of cowardice or a desire to enjoy access to the halls of power, the local clergy have largely remained silent as Murkowski shamelessly flaunts the most critical moral and ethical teachings of the church, all while claiming to be a Catholic.
This week, a lone deacon from Anchorage has courageously chosen to break this silence. While he may face backlash from his superiors, it is our hope that his words will inspire the spiritual leaders of the local church to reclaim their role as defenders of truth and shepherds of souls.
What, the Republican party has a platform? In 2020 it was whatever Trump said.
That’s because Trump pretty much followed the platform. That’s why he was so popular.
If Trump followed the Republican platform, are Republicans just as corrupt?
Lisa has gone to the dark side of life in general. She has no concerns for truth, beliefs or teachings of the church. She isn’t even capable of carrying on a conversation anylonger. She needs to step out of tge public life and retire to a remote island somewhere!
Please Don’t vote for this loser and please DON’T rank Lisa, not even number 101 not even as dogcatcher
Lisa Murkowski’s reelection strategy is coming into focus. Having been censored and abandoned by the Alaska Republican party, Lisa’s only hope for victory in November is to appeal to all the Democrats in Alaska. Lisa must have taken note that back in Washington DC, abortion is an issue very dear to those on the left. Her latest move in getting Democrat support is to co-author a bill to make abortion legal at the federal level, despite the fact abortion is already legal in Alaska. It is a blatant move of political desperation. Someone should tell Lisa that pandering to Democrats isn’t going to work out very well for her. Even liberals are smart enough to see thru Lisa’s phoniness and by sucking up to them Lisa has alienated nearly every conservative and independent voter in our state. Lisa has no chance in November. She is toast.
There was a time in the 19th century calling one self catholic worked out in a leaders favor. Todays christians are tired of pandering politicians who wear
their faith as another hat. Murkowski actions demonstrate she was never born-again.
Thank you for continuing to promote Truth and accuracy, Joel!