
Once a year, one of the largest pro-life organizations in the nation offers training to Alaska to help equip and empower the next generation of pro-life advocates.

A group called Leadership Institute will arrive in Fairbanks later this month to give a free session to area students in how to effectively create new organizations that can share a pro-life message in schools, universities and throughout the wider culture.

The group partners with Students For Life website to provide the training. Since 2006, Students for Life has trained more than 127,000 young people in all 50 states.

The upcoming session on Sept. 24 will give Fairbanks area students leadership skills to start their own pro-life groups in local schools and other venues, which can then provide support and friendship to pro-life allies.

The training will be geared to high school and college students as well as youth groups and any other places where teens and young adults gather.

Pamela Samash works with the Interior Right to Life organization in Fairbanks, and is helping to promote the upcoming workshop. She said there is a dire need for more prolife outreaches in northern Alaska.

“In a conversation I had years ago with another prolife organization in our community, it was revealed that our military has the highest rate of abortions in Fairbanks, whereas the university has the second highest,” she said. “It is my hope that the university will make their students’ unborn children a higher priority and embrace the moms and their babies and eventually distribute information to new mothers who are feeling alone and scared – that they will give them counseling options and supportive services like childcare for their little ones as they continue their education.”

Samash said her hope is that young student mothers won’t feel like abortion is their only option.

“Reaching the youth with prolife values and encouragement is essential for our future,” she said. “That is the goal of Students for Life.”

The upcoming training will happen from 6-9 p.m. at University Baptist Church (1197 University Avenue). Both students and parents are welcome to attend. For more information, contact Samash at (907) 322-2201.

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Pro-life group headed to Fairbanks to train the next generation

Joel Davidson
Joel is Editor-in-Chief of the Alaska Watchman. Joel is an award winning journalist and has been reporting for over 24 years, He is a proud father of 8 children, and lives in Palmer, Alaska.