A national parental rights advocacy group, composed of mothers from across the nation, has given Alaska’s U.S. Sen. Lisa Murkowski a failing grade when it comes to supporting key issues that are important to American moms.
Moms for America, which claims to be 500,000 strong, released its inaugural Congressional Report Card. It gave failing marks to all Democrats in the U.S. House, as well as some Republicans. Nearly every House Republican, however, got an “A.”
On the Senate side, Murkowski was one of just six Republicans who received an “F” on the report.
Legislators were graded based off 20 votes taken by the 116th Congress. These were used to grade Senators based on 10 key votes.
“Moms represent a key voting bloc, and they are typically responsible for providing for their children’s education, their diets, their health care and their safety.”
Moms for America President Kimberly Fletcher
“Our Report Card pulled no punches,” said Moms For America President Kimberly Fletcher. “From medical mandates to mask mandates, from radical Critical Race Theory to gender equality, from the right to keep and bear arms, to school choice – our 2022 Report Card finds both political parties lacking the will to take necessary steps to protect the interests of America’s moms. We commend the members of congress who received an ‘A’ on our Moms for America report card. They are putting moms and their families first as they vote to preserve our liberties.”
The group highlighted two key votes – passing HR 1319, what it refers to as the “The Crippling Inflation Act,” and HR 7691, which sent billions of dollars to Ukraine, while America’s moms struggled to put food on the table and gas in their minivans.
“Moms represent a key voting bloc, and they are typically responsible for providing for their children’s education, their diets, their health care and their safety,” Fletcher said.
According to a recent article in The Christian Post, Fletcher noted that Moms for America is working to “reclaim our culture for truth, family, freedom and the Constitution.”
“We’re in the midst of a mom-led revolution,” Fletcher relayed. “That revolution is about reclaiming our culture, and we’re going to start by doing it in our homes by promoting those principles of liberty that matter to us and made us the freest, most prosperous nation on Earth.”
In addition to Murkowski, other Senate Republicans who failed to pass muster with Moms for America included Senators Roy Blunt (Missouri), Shelley Moore (West Virginia), Susan Collins (Maine), Lindsey Graham (South Carolina) and Mitch McConnell (Kentucky).
Click here to read the full report card.
Good report, Moms. Now tell us how to actually get rid of them. It seems nearly impossible to get rid of them with all the nefarious voting schemes they support.
Lisa has gotten an F in my book the last 20+ years
She has got to go, Vote this loser out
Moms for America is a maternal cabal of Christian nationalists.
Quizas puedas dar ejemplos para tus opiniones
I’d much rather deal with “Christian nationalists” then the likes of you and your kind. I’ll make that trade every single day.
Indeed !!!! I agree.
If a Christian Nationalist is a Christian who loves their country and is trying to save it from its deliberate destruction by Godless leftists, then what is the problem with that? Praise God for the Christains who gird their loins and relentlessly battle the forces of evil embodied by today’s Democrats and all their criminal leftist allies – who violently advocate for abortion, infanticide, euthanasia, homosexuality, transgenderism, vax mandates, election fraud, biased law enforcement, and lawless government (ie. that which refuses to abide by constitutional limits).
I feel sorry for her kids!
They gave her an F, I give her a U with her name included.
This is not in any way an appropriate comment for what is supposed to be a family friendly website. Can we agree to keep the conversation out of the gutter? Do your job moderator.
Grow up! Lisa has declared war on conservatives. You can be as civil as you want. You strike me as a liberal wanting to control what others think and say. So to you Toby, FU.
Lisa and Liz attempt to change our election certification process.
Lisa, You FECKLESS COWARD, When the MARXIST Joe gave his speech with the “Blood Red’ in the back, where are you! You are a HYPOCRITE TOO. You voted for the confirmation of Deb Harrland and look what she is doing. YOU HAVE NO SHAME. NONE!