An ongoing nationwide project to document how Americans were treated during the Covid-19 outbreak includes several accounts of Alaskans who either died or were severely injured after receiving dangerous experimental drugs or being denied treatment options like ivermectin.
The COVID-19 Humanity Betrayal Memory Project is building an archive of what it calls “crimes against humanity committed during the COVID crisis.”
The goal is to establish a resource detailing the “individual victims of the FDA Death Protocol including remdesivir and the concerted effort to deny COVID victims safe and effective alternatives to expensive and often deadly Emergency Use Authorization drugs, victims of vaccine mandates, and others who have been harmed in the name of public health,” the website states.
The project includes hundreds of video interviews and specific data from survivors and family members of those who have died.
As of Nov. 22, the website contained 344 individual stories, including three from Alaska.
The overarching goal of the Covid19 Humanity Betrayal Memory Project is to provide information on how Americans can shed light on what happened to their friends and loved ones in order to ensure that this never occurs again.
“Everyday, we are hearing evidence of what we believe are crimes against humanity,” the website states. “We are archiving it, so that no one will ever be able to forget what was done in the name of public health … If you or someone you love has been harmed by the FDA Death Protocol including remdesivir, you can now sign up to join this amazing support group.”
Each person who contacts the group is called back for a detailed video interview, which recounts how they or their loved ones were treated by medical staff, doctors and administrators, including drugs and medical interventions.
The three Alaska stories all involve people who had not received Covid jabs. They each checked into the hospital for care and were given the experimental drug remdesivir, while being denied other treatments like ivermectin and hydroxychloroquine. The testimonials state that the patients were not told that remdesivir is an experimental drug, nor were they informed about its side effects. Two of the Alaskans died while in the hospital, while a third lived to personally tell his story.
The Alaska testimonies, like many of the others on the website, detail the confusion, anger and desperation which many families experienced as they watched loved ones suffer, and in many cases, die alone without effective advocates at their side.
Nationally, families are now bringing wrongful-death lawsuit claims against hospitals for administering the controversial drug remdesivir to Covid positive patients without their informed consent. These suits claim that patients were given the toxic without being properly advised of the side effects, which include acute kidney failure, liver failure and multiple organ failure. At the same time, victims claim they or their loved ones were denied more established treatments like ivermectin.
ALASKA TESTIMONIES: Below are links to the three Alaska stories
— KEVIN HITE: A 62-year-old who check into Mat-Su Regional Hospital in September of 2021. He ultimately survived after enduring what his family described as horrific treatment. Click here to watch his video and learn the details of his testimony.
— FANNIE DOWNES: A 62-year-old woman who checked into Providence Hospital in Anchorage in August of 2021. Her husband said Fannie was given inferior medical care in the days leading up to her death. Her full story is documented here.
— EDWARD “DONNIE” WILSON: A 55-year-old man who checked into Mat-Su Regional Hospital in August of 2021. His daughter relayed an account of poor treatment and the shocking death of her father. The details of Wilson’s story are here.
Murdering bastards!
Fannie Downes: 62 years old, obese, and did not receive the free, safe, and effective SARS CoV-2 mRNA vaccine. What could go wrong?
Ivermectin never has been an ‘established treatment’ for Covid. Its been studied extensively and still hasn’t been proven effective. Hence why the CDC and WHO still say DON’T use it.
Could be a real issue if hospitals didn’t inform patients about what treatments they were getting. But I find it highly doubtful patients weren’t told they were getting remdesivir. Unless they were on a ventilator in which case next of kin would be told/asked for consent. It had an EUA, so lawsuits arent going to accomplish much.
Clark, now these organizations that you cite say that they only recommended that people not use Ivermectin. These organizations are not my doctor and my doctor knows how to treat people and save them. Ivermectin works wonders. Remdesivir normally kills the patient within two weeks give or take a few days – this has been seen in hospital patients over and over and over again. You have your “truths” and the rest of us are learning what keeps people out of the hospitals and healing within days of becoming ill. I pray that people follow behind every one of your comments, such as this one, to state that what you are saying is “your truth” and that it does not support the medicines that really do keep people alive and out of the hospitals.
I implore you to educate yourself and pull your head out of the sand. Depending on others to do YOUR homework is irresponsible and exactly the reason we are where we are now.
Allow me to help you. Start here https://c19ivm.org/ and allow yourself to be humbled. God Bless
Clark, pull your head out of the sand.
Our doctor has treated over 1,000 patients with ivermectin, hydroxychloroquine, etc. (including several members of our family) and has not lost a single patient. One member of our family made the mistake of going to the hospital, before he could be treated by our doctor, where he was murdered when they gave him kidney destroying remdesivir. Trials using remdesivir for other ailments were stopped several years ago because so many people were dying from it. There are several other doctors in Alaska who had the same results. Alaska is also a “right to try” state, yet many were not given the chance to try alternative treatments.
Fake news. The reason hydroxychloroquine is useless was described at the molecular level in April of 2020: SARS CoV-2 Spike protein cleavage (obligatory for successful infection) occurs on the cell surface by TMPRSS2. So while hydroxycholoroquine might block cathepsin cleavage of Spike in the endosomes by the time virions reach the endosome their Spike proteins are already cleaved.
Remdesivir is safe EVEN FOR PATIENTS with impaired kidney function, so perfectly appropriate for those with good renal health. https://jamanetwork.com/…/jamanetwo…/fullarticle/2795734
Remdesivir has been demonstrated to be a safe and effective means of managing a SARS CoV-2 infection at its inception
In contrast, ivermectin has repeatedly failed to show efficacy in properly designed and controlled clinical trials:
I got Covid so did both my nephews, another co-worker & his wife my age & I am 67 years with loss of 25% breathing capacity due to prior contamination to nitrates ( Blasting Powder}, all of us took Ivermectin & recovered within 5 days of testing positive! You must be a Physician , Pharmacist or Just down right “wonking idiot” drinking the kool-aid! Besides the unconstitutional nature of those MANDATES & privacy rights. Get a real life !
So here was the experiment: all of you were cut in half, to the left halves ivermectin was administered, to the right a saline placebo. The left halves thrived whilst the right halves withered and died: there we have it, definitive proof of ivermectin’s efficacy in treating SARS CoV-2; The world awaits the submission of your groundbreaking study to the “Journal of Meaningless Anecdotal Drivel”.
Only someone with no inclination to research this travesty could be this flippant in the face of the mass injury and death done to humankind.
Only someone with no background in infectious disease and medicine would hypothesize there is some ongoing nefarious travesty in how medical professionals have dealt with Covid-19 caused by SARS CoV-2 infection. I am incredulous that people could be this flippant to not avail themselves of the free, safe and effective SARS CoV-2 mRNA vaccine that diminished the likelihood of an infection becoming fatal by a factor of 10 to 20, in the face of the mass injury and death done to humankind by this novel respiratory pathogen.
You are either a troll, a mentally challenged person, or a doctor, (but I repeat myself). You haven’t been there yet you freely spew information that is patently false. When you have lost a loved one due to the accepted treatment protocol, and then watch someone on death’s door make a turnaround when they’ve taken ivermectin, if you have a brain, then you’ll see the difference.
You might want to look somewhere else than the medical industrial complex for information. Start with this: FLCCC
I truly hope the details of these crimes come to light and those responsible are held to the fullest extent of the law possible its such a violation of every ethical principle this country stands for some how we have gotten to a place where i can give puberty blockers OFF LABEL mind you to teens simply with their consent but i cant give off label harmless drugs to a consenting adult to potentially save their life but instead these people were given an experimental drug without their consent and the staff in these hospitals stood there and watched them die a horrible gasping death there are no words in the english language the majority of the people no longer have any trust or confidence in hospitals they are soulless bastards i hope for justice
They want amnesty for what they have done. They might be forgiven (by some), but we will never forget what they did to our most vulnerable citizens… and got paid for each victim who succumbed to their malpractice.
Remembering and honoring a saint. As I daily read “horror stories” of people I didn’t know who lived in other states, I had doubts. Little did I know and little was I prepared for all of this to hit so close to home. A dear Patriot, an older gent, was a member of our group. He was at all the rallies and was a worker of righteousness. One day, he grew ill enough with covid to go to hospital. He requested Ivermectin, Vit C & D and was denied by the hospital. He grew fearful that he might die and while he was still conscious, requested a dear friend to have power of atty. While this processed thru the court, he was put on a vent. The hospital took away his phone. No one was allowed to even see him. He was put on oxygen. It seemed he was slipping away and friends tried desperately to get him relocated to a different hospital that did treat with Ivermectin. One the day all was approved for his move, this sweet man left the earth and went to be with His Lord. Which is better! But it didn’t have to be that way, and somehow, we all feel the hospital was partly responsible. What if Ivermectin was immediately administered????
Here’s another case where the right intervention would have saved a life.
As I daily read “horror stories” of people I didn’t know who lived in other states, I had doubts. Little did I know and little was I prepared for all of this to hit so close to home. Friends of a friend down south. Her elderly mother (70) was admitted for covid. She went on fb asking for prayer. By then, everyone had heard of the success of Hydroxy and Ivermectin. The daughter told us she inquired about Hydroxy and was told by a doctor…”it doesn’t work!” In no short time, the woman was intubated, and given Remdesivir. By then, everyone had also heard how bad Rem was for people. The family was not allowed to see her in person nor were they allowed input. The doctor’s simply conveyed they were doing this, that or the other. Her condition grew worse each day. The family was only allowed to see her just before she passed. The doctors stated that her internal organs were in such bad shape (she had a collapsed lung) that if she had lived, it would have been a very long and very hard recovery. Gee…all issues caused by machines using too much force and a drug that’s really bad for you! Just like the symptoms noted in the article: acute kidney failure, liver failure and multiple organ failure. YUP…that’s what the doctor ordered. Again, this precious woman was a believer and is in heaven. But it needn’t have happened.
Your friend was not an aberration, nor was my husband, nor were the other two already on this website. Please everyone who lost a friend or a loved one go and document your nightmare. It is real, it happened and needs to be revealed. It is painful to remember and tell the facts but necessary for the truth to shed a light on this darkness. I know there are so many of you out there with hurt and anger this is a start to accountability for all those responsible for the deaths and harm they administered. Two other sites that I know are documenting are— Truth For Health Foundation go to Medical Legal Help and choose Sentinel Event and FLCCC Alliance go to Covid Resources and choose Testimonials. We will not shut up, comply and let our loved ones die!
Cindy, I am so sorry. Your husband and all of the others will be revenged when God’s judgement takes place! Many hospital deaths from “covid” as they like to say are just flat out lies – the right treatment immediately in the beginning would have saved so many people! I am so ashamed of Mat-Su Regional Medical Center Administrators and staff for letting our community down. I am so ashamed of Gov. Dunleavy for not firing Dr. Zink when the truths started coming out about these deaths. I am so ashamed of Providence Alaska Medical Center for calling themselves a Christian organization and going along with the depopulation agenda and for supporting the influx of illegal immigrants and for not supporting our own population through their concentrated effort of hiring foreigners.
Cindy, thank you for listing the Truth for Health Foundation and the FLCCC Alliance as resources for patients and those needing legal/medical help. God bless you in your efforts to highlight resources of help for people! We sure need all of the help that we can get! One other resource is vaxxchoice.com.
Thank you for your kind words. I believe your thoughts on the hospitals, Gov Dunleavy and Fink are shared by many and very truthful. My calls to Dunleavy’s office went unanswered along with the state complaint against Mat Su Regional. I am very thankful for where me and my husband are versus last year. We will spend time with family and friends sharing happiness and sorrows. Then we will pray for strength to continue the fight for truth.
I am so shocked to hear about Kevin. I had no idea. Unfortunately I have lost contact with so many of my friends. I’m glad to hear Kevin is mending and so proud of both of you
Katherine, good to hear from you. give us a call when you get a chance..kevin
I have been following the obituaries throughout the nation. So many obituries list, “died suddenly”, cause of death-cancer, heart attack, stroke, or an accident for unknown reason (like vehicle accident). Truly shocking!
Here is a good video Stew Peters and others put together talking about results from the jabs and the rise in death that we are seeing now.
Fortunately, the ivermectin vs other treatments controversy enjoys the clear light of scientific analysis. The conclusion is this: Ivermectin doesn’t help relieve the symptoms of Covid. Wish it did.
Side note. That a person dies in a hospital doesn’t implicate the hospital. The cause of death could be anything, Covid, trauma, cardiac arrest. The medical community cannot bring the dead back to life.
Terry, please show your current proof that supports your statements. Back up your statements please!
My sister-in-law’s mother was killed in a NY hospital. She was having diabetes complications when the ambulance came to pick her up because no family was allowed to come into the hospital. She never talked to or saw a family member again. The Doctor/nurse would give contradictory information over the phone. When the Mother passed away the hospital told the family you can pick up your Mom’s ashes at the funeral home. Nice way to do away with any evidence.
yep. i treated my wife myself. local hospitals are guilty of…too much to list. Ivermectin, hcq, vit d zinc azrythromiacin aspirin, supplemental oxygen. AFTER the hospital sent her home. o2 levels 81. 8 days after I started treating her she was at 96. walking and fine. they would have killed her. I have 100% lost faith in the system. there are good docs but so many are ruled by stupidity and pharma. im personally done trusting. after 4 loved ones went through cancer, infections and stroke my 10 year experience to include Covid….they are mostly buffoons. find a good practical, honest family doc, stick with them. Get 2nd opinions, read, listen to your gut, be wary of drugs, and finally. FIRE ANN ZINK
Akdale, unfortunately I think we have to wait for Zink to be taken to trial. It looks like she does not work under Dunleavy anymore. Would love to hear Dunleavy’s explanation for supporting her even after the truth about the jabs started coming out!
We had a different experience. Individuals must become proactive in their healthcare. We did that and presented some different approaches in Faith’s ICU care.
I will also add CPH (Central Peninsula Hospital) allowed me to participate in Faith’s personal and medical care and allowed me complete access to her anytime. Also access to her computer documentation at anytime.
I did learn and see the fear on the nursing staff with dealing with the stress of Faith’s care.
In my distant nursing experience I took care of many intubated patients. Often sedated and using paralyzing drugs.
Faith refused that approach (intubation) because of my experiences I told her over the years.
She suffered greatly because of her decision. I believe it is one of the reasons she survived. It was stressful for the nursing staff to see such suffering.
I spent 36 years as a nurse and do not remember any nurse who did not care about the patients they were caring for.
My observation of Faith’s nurses supports my opinion.
Ray, I wonder if you got better cooperation because of your prior experience? I have heard so many stories where people were trying to be proactive in their family member’s visit and the hospitals shut them down. I remember a couple of nurses that were not respectful to patients or the patient’s families during my own time working in healthcare. Amazing how varied the experiences have been during this plandemic.
This should be the worst scandal of the federal government, big pharma and the hospitals in over a century. It was all about the money. If a Covid patient were admitted to a hospital, put on ventilator, remdesivir, etc and finally passed, then the hospital was rewarded by the government with about $400,000. The hospital administrators, CFOs, CEOs, etc were responsible for this. Remember, “First, Do No Harm” unless it benefits you financially.
SGT Report posted 11/25/2022