Year: 2022

Gallup Poll: Less Americans say they believe in God

While the vast majority of American adults still profess a belief in God, their ranks are shrinking, according to a new study published by Gallup. According to a May survey, 81% of U.S. adults now believe in God, which is six percentage points lower than 2017

Applicants needed to fill vacancy on Alaska Supreme Court

The Alaska Judicial Council is now accepting applications for a position on the Alaska Supreme Court. The impending vacancy on the Alaska Supreme Court is due to the forthcoming retirement of Chief Justice Daniel E. Winfree. Those interested in applying may

The fake ‘common sense’ of federal gun control laws

“A well regulated militia being necessary to the security of a free state, the right of the people to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed.” Having organized large gun-rights rallies in the past, completely unaffiliated with the NRA, I have sometimes