While Alaska Gov. Mike Dunleavy recently told the Alaska Legislature that he wants to make Alaska the “most pro-life state in the country,” his subordinates over at the Alaska Department of Health are undermining this vision by promoting a radical LGBTQ organization that refers teens for abortions on the Kenai Peninsula.
In an effort to increase the number of youth – ages 12 to 18 – who are referred to the Kachemak Bay Family Planning Clinic (KBFPC) in Homer, the state website has a direct link to the organization’s youth outreach arm – the R.E.C. Room.
The Department of Health’s stated goal is to “increase the likelihood of youth who practice abstinence or choose to use contraception and/or condoms during sexual activity,” and to “increase youth knowledge of how emotional awareness affects decision making.”
But the KBFPC is about much more than teaching abstinence or how to roll on a condom.
According to the group’s website, it aims to address the “developmental needs of adolescents … by offering a supportive and empowering environment.”
That environment includes access to free contraceptives, abortion referrals, exposure to queer art, critical race theory, transgender speakers, LGBTQ themed movies and games, and an introduction to teens LGBTQ activism and political ideology.
Established in 2010, the R.E.C. Room is based in Homer to provide an afterschool hangout space for teens. Staff will even pick youth up at Homer High and Homer Middle schools and shuttle them directly to the youth center, with parental permission.
Teens who then demonstrate leadership qualities are hired and trained to teach explicit sex-ed curriculum to fellow students in the Kenai School District, the website notes.
In addition to attracting teens by providing a hangout space, the R.E.C. Room actively directs youth back to its founding organization, the Kachemak Bay Family Planning Clinic, for information and access to contraception, abortion and STD testing.
The KBFPC website highlights the fact that they provide services without telling a child’s parents.
“At this health center, you have the right to talk to your provider alone, without your parent or guardian in the room,” the clinic website explains, adding that “all forms of contraception are available without the permission of a parent/guardian.” This includes the morning after Plan B abortion pill.
For teens who are concerned about their parents finding out that they are accessing free condoms or other services at the clinic, the website coaches youth to talk to insurance providers if they are “especially concerned about confidential care.”
“KBFPC takes the privacy of all our clients very seriously, and that includes teens seeking care with or without parental involvement,” the website adds. “While it can be helpful to have a trusted adult in your life, and we may ask about your ability to share certain things with a parent or guardian, you do not need permission to receive care at KBFPC. Our staff will discuss your concerns and make sure you understand how your information is protected or might be shared, with your consent. In Alaska, all adolescents have the right to confidential sexual and reproductive health care.”
— To contact Alaska Commissioner of Health Heidi Hedberg, call 907-269-7800 or click here for more options.
— Click here to contact Gov. Mike Dunleavy.
The Dunleavy administration can’t have it both ways; can’t be pro-life and also support the death culture of LGBTQrstu… which affirms sexual and social confusion. The Governor should be firmly at the helm instead of allowing a bunch of different pilots steer the ship in dangerous ways.
Before I saw your comment, I was thinking the same thing about Dunleavy. Another go-along-to-get-along politician in our state. Our governor should be taking a stand and proclaiming our state to be a sovereign nation state and that we are not going to listen to the White House just as Gov. DeSantis did. The government should not be controlling our state, we should be controlling our state through our “elected” respresentatives. Dunleavy should be recognizing the God-given union of man and woman, and Dunleavy should be telling the climate radicals to take a hike. A lot of other things Dunleavy should be saying instead of being a go-along-to-get-along governor.
They show the child how to (role on a condom) or talk about sex. I’m thinking this place needs to be investigated very closely and then have strict guidelines to follow by the state. Are these kids safe or is this just another way for LGBTQ+ recruitment? Show me some proof these places are safe for confused kids. Show me they’re not leading a child into a bad choice. Parents in my day know where their children were and who they were with. It’s time parents now days start taking on parental responsibility again and pay attention to their children.
In my day the parents didn’t need to know where the children were, at all times. That was before the scourge of the liberal lifestyle became fashionable and evil. Homer is the land of the liberal foothold on the Kenai Peninsula, they allow just about everything under the banner of “go along to get along”.
In my day there seemed to be very few kids who were confused at all! The confusion thing is orchestrated by the godless to create societal collapse and it has been very successful because ordinary, unconfused people have been too accommodating and “tolerant” of aberration and dysfunction and did/said nothing. Most likely scared by the pink team into silence.
I have LGBTQ friends, and NONE of them recruit children. If they did that, their children would have turned out LGBTQ. That’s not the case. I’m for supporting the LGBTQ kids, they are on a hard path that they have not chosen.
jon, you are correct in that these kids have not chosen that path. They were brain-washed and influenced by people that they looked up to – people that have misled children and should be locked up.
Hey, Dunleavy …. Where are you ? .. Closet ? .. Okay, par for the course.
Better make sure this isn’t where grooming is taking place!!
First it was “acceptance.” Then came the colonization by the LGBTQ community to adopt their lifestyle, along with medical mutilation of the children. I can remember the shock of the first “sex” class in my school when I was in the 8th grade in Olympia, Washington so many decades ago. Most impactful was the invasion of my privacy. My body was a private matter. But it wasn’t until Covid that we found out how pervasive the NEA program had become. All parents must battle back before it is too late.
The scripture passages in psalms David declares “how long oh Lord will you allow evil to go unrestrained”?
A thought for all Alaskans right now is how long will you the people endure the deception and outright lies from Mike Dunleavy????! Questioning God is absolutely appropriate with an attitude and understanding that He is in control and has a purpose for good! Questioning Governor Dunleavy is essential to force him off the fence!!! His rear end must be getting sore!!!
Yes Dave! Kick Dunleavy. Lower the voting age to 0! We need to save lives and also let them be heard! All ages should vote!
Dunceleavy is a governor who oversaw murder of his own people!
This is promising news!