When a left-leaning Mat-Su bookstore hosts a June 10 “all ages” story hour featuring a cross-dressing drag queen, a new faith-based group will host a story hour on the same day, which looks to inspire children to seek truth, goodness, beauty and virtue.
When Chris Gonzales, founder of GoodTube Kids learned about the drag event on June 10 at Black Birch Books in Wasilla, he set out to offer a free alternative to Mat-Su families.
“While there are other events going on that that say they’re family friendly, this one truly is,” Gonzales said via a social media post about the event.
Earlier this year, Gonzales retired from a 20-year law enforcement career to launch GoodTube Kids, an Alaska-based company that provides parents with wholesome online and in-person resources and educational options for their children.
The GoodTube Kids website and social media channels include a wide range of shows, books, movies and other materials and presentations that are rooted in traditional family values and Judeo-Christian morality.
The upcoming virtue-based story hour marks the second such event Gonzales has offered this year. In March, his company held a “Brave Books Story Hour” at the Loussac Library in response to youth drag shows being hosted by an LGBTQ-agenda-driven café in Anchorage.
The GoodTube Kids event in Wasilla occurs June 10, 11 a.m. to 4 p.m., at Wonderland Park (near the blue pavilion). It includes fitness, games, book readings, prizes, free food and other offerings.
The drag event at Black Birch Books, however, is being advertised with promotionals that show a man in heavy makeup, wearing a hot-pink wig and silky dress.
Drag shows for children are hotly debated, with advocates asserting that they help young children explore gender identity options by being exposed to so-called “gender non-conforming” people. Opponents argue that encouraging young children and toddlers to question their sexuality only sows confusion among impressionable and formative youth.
This is exactly what we need. Thank you to this man!
Haha! Straight virtue-signaling. See drag queens read books to kids to help educate them. They don’t have a problem with other people educating kids too.
Oh, Clark is back.
What makes you think I ever left?
So it’s ok to have sickos drag queens confusing young children.
But it’s not ok to tell these children about the truth.
God created man and woman end of story, not fifty different genders and men can get pregnant more sickness.
Assuming you believe the Bible to be the truth about creation. Then you have to conceed that the first woman was the flesh of a man. Adam’s rib became Eve. Thats a foundation of Christianity that a man can become a woman. Or do you lack faith in the Lord and the Bible?
Specifically, the flesh of a man became a woman. Proving you are wrong if you claim to be Christian and say that a man can’t become a woman.
God created everything didn’t he? He created cancer, diabetes, AIDS, Covid, Ebola, flesh eating bacteria, guns that kill kids, nuclear weapons, etc…He even created the Devil and Demons(ie Angels) and explicitly sent them down to Earth to plague mankind. Not that the normal Angels weren’t also running around demanding blood sacrifices and smiting towns, mind you.
I think that our smarty-pants trolls are using AI-written responses to sound intelligent now.
Our Heavenly Father made woman to be a companion to man – not to be man, but a companion to man.
Biblereader sounds like he needs to go to church and fellowship with believers , but a real bible believing/teaching/reading church. He hangs out too much by himself. He be one of those first time visitors who’d stand up and scream at the pastor for “incorrect” teaching cause it’s not what he believes nor understand, which isn’t exhibiting self control a fruit of the spirit when visitors make outburst. The list Biblereader listed evolved out of the decaying matter of our dying world, it wasn’t meant to last and neither are we because of sin. God doesn’t create suffering in our lives, but he allows it to enter our lives so He may produce something good in us through the suffering. I suggest people like Biblereader start listening to anchorage’s KATB 89.3 fm but for those outside of anchorage you can visit its website to listen online or find your town’s station.
“Educate” means something entirely different in the leftist mind virus terminology. You indoctrinate into your ideology. It is clear in the eyes on any one of your fanatics that they are heavily brainwashed. You all have “crazy eyes.”
“Thank You Mr. Gonzales!” I am so glad to hear that the children will still be able to get together in person and have wholesome fun and learning activities. What a blessing!
They can also have wholesome fun and learning at drag queen story hour.
I think its massively ironic that conservatives try to paint drag queens and trans people as a danger to children when the vast majority of child molesters are heterosexual in their regular life. Like priests, boy scout leaders, sports coaches and teachers.
There may be a lot more acceptance of lgbt people today, but we have ALWAYS been viewed with more scrutiny because of false stereotypes.
No Clark, they cannot have wholesome fun at a drag queen story hour. Children that attend those perverted story hours are being force-fed Satanic idealism. It does not matter how you embellish the sick lies, people know that what you say are sick lies meant to pervert children and turn children away from God Almighty’s teachings.
They are a danger. That’s why we called them perverts in days gone by and that’s why we protect the kids against people like this “drag “ stuff in background checks.
Judeo-Christian. Yeah, just what we need. To submit to a foreign Middle Eastern cult. We may as well embrace Islam folks.
Author and local activist Jackie Goforth talking about the smutty books being pushed on our children.
I’m so glad someone finally has stepped up to counter the LGBTQ+ agenda. Now let’s get behind this man and support him and get rid of this woke crap.
Well that’s nice. Story hours for families of all types.
Thank You!
Follow us at GoodTube Kids for more!
Great idea!
I support going to the event at the park but please make an effort to show up to the protest at 2901 E. Bogard Rd. #104 in Wasilla at any time from 12-2. We need to show these degenerates they are not welcome in our town.