The effort to repeal Alaska’s controversial ranked-choice voting system has gathered nearly 20,000 of the needed 26,000 signatures to put the question up for a vote in the 2024 general election. That’s 76% of the minimum needed.
The organization attempting to repeal ranked-choice voting is Alaskans For Honest Elections. On July 6, this group issued an update on its efforts.
“50 more petition books to meet our goal,” the group stated. “That is only 5% of the total petitions books in circulation.”
Last week, the group received an additional 2,000 signatures. The goal is to have more than enough to turn into the state by August 31 – six months ahead of the deadline. To date, there are still 1,000 petition books in circulation. If they are all completely filled out and turned in, there will be 150,000 total signatures gathered.
The group estimates that the probability of reaching the minimum amount to place the issue up for a vote is at 150%.
Those who wish to sign the booklets are encouraged to swing by the Wasilla office. Before coming by, the group encourages people to call ahead of time to ensure someone is there to get their signature. The number is (907) 802-8116. All signatures must be done in person.
Other opportunities for signing are July 10, 4-7 p.m. at Southeast Alaska Real Estate in Juneau. Anchorage residents can sign at Alaska Auction & Duane’s Antique Shop (1233 E. 76th Ave.), Monday through Friday, 9 a.m. to 6 p.m.
Signature booklets are also at Winner’s Pull Tabs in Wasilla, and the group will be on hand at the upcoming Bear Paw Festival in Eagle River – July 12-16.
Kodiak residents should call Dan Powell (907-942-1312) to sign the petition.
For more information, email admin@AlaskansForHonestElections.com.
Thank you for this update! Thank you for doing this Alaskans For Honest Elections! Spread the word – let’s get this done!
Very encouraging! Thank you for the update.
Rank choice voting is stealing your vote it’s cheating
Can’t wait for the AK Supreme Court to find a way to either keep this off the ballot or invalidate the result if it actually passes. You know they will.
Really, they will? How are you so confident about this?