Here in Nenana, agricultural land has been opened up and we have had several meetings about the use of the land and the ideas people have for it. Personally, as long as the farmers don’t destroy the environment with pesticides, I’m all for it.
This is a step in the right direction for Alaska because currently we are about 92% dependent on the lower 48 for food and resources. We learned during the plandemic that Canada can block much of that incoming food supply. It was a wake-up call to how vulnerable we are to empty shelves.
Alaskans are known for being preppers, and I read years ago that we – as private individuals – are the most prepared people for emergencies in the USA. We stock our freezers and fill our shelves, can our food and smoke our meat. When winter hits, we are ready to go. I have a garden, laying hens and ducks and raspberries growing all over my yard. This is the Alaskan way.
Let’s keep up this momentum until we flip the tables and instead of being 92% dependent on the Lower-48, we can become 92% self-sustaining.
But I still need grain and dairy products. As I research healthy options to feed my family, I came across some disturbing information.
MRNA shots which contain deadly spike proteins and can alter DNA, (the foundation of who we are), are being introduced into some livestock in various factories. Read here and here. They talk about how safe it is, but I say bologna! We saw a person drop dead after an MRNA shot and no, I do not believe they are safe at all. With a 75% miscarriage rate, there’s nothing safe about that.
I contacted Umqua Dairy and Tillamook Dairy to inquire about MRNA shots in their dairy cows. They both looked into it and called me back and said that there are no MRNA shots in the sources where they get their milk, cheese and ice cream. So, their products are mostly where we get our dairy from or local milk from neighbors.
In more food news, check out this article that was just released about how China is quietly taking over U.S. food supplies. These are the same people that flew their spy balloon over our military bases. How safe is this food going to be?
The point is that now is the time for our state to continue working towards more Alaska food sustainability. We need to do our own personal research on where our food comes from, and we should really support our local farmers and ranchers.
USDA has had several grants for these very goals. Some villages have started community green houses, and in the past the food stamp program also included shopping at Farmers Markets.
Let’s keep up this momentum until we flip the tables and instead of being 92% dependent on the Lower-48, we can become 92% self-sustaining. Then we will know where and how our food was produced. Good healthy food is like medicine to our bodies, as opposed to GMO and plants saturated in pesticides, which are poison to us. We’re going in the right direction, let’s keep it up.
The views expressed here are those of the author.
Thank you Pamela – good article. This really is important. And those of us with limited space should do our best to support those local farmers and herdsmen in an effort to ‘grow’ our independence. There is a new dairy in Delta now marketing milk and yogurt across the state – Alaska Range Dairy. They are vat pasteurizing and also not homogenizing leaving the milk as close to its natural healthy form yet safe. Then also Alaska Flour Company is proving barley to be a solid grain crop for Alaska! Three Bears are carrying products from both.
Gardening is such an important aspect. Vertical gardening is something that I have learned about this year. With vertical gardening, plants are provided support to grow upwards instead of laying out across the ground. I have seen some well-producing plants in vertical gardening in grow tents, on patios, greenhouses and in small garden plots. The plants appear to suffer less disease since they are up off of the ground. Definitely something that I am going to be practicing.
Nice article Pamela. Good idea. I think your reasoning should also be applied to renewable energy – that would be true independence.
Lucinda, why don’t you submit an article to the Opinion section on renewable energy since you believe this would provide true independence?
Some folks have difficulties in distinguishing the differences in “independence”, and “dependence”.. To re-quote; “Put the government in control of the Sahara Desert, and it will run out of sand in 3 years.”
F: Wouldn’t it be cool if Alaska got most of its energy from renewable sources? That would be independence.
No Lucinda, it would not be cool imho. This is why you should write an opinion article and present your case on renewable energy. Maybe you know something that I do not know? Nah, I highly doubt that.
this is an amazing article. Great research.
I guess the editor is tired of having to deal with all of my comments that get flagged, so is ignoring my comments that get flagged. People need to wake up and realize that we are in a dangerous position by having become dependent on outside sources to provide everything for us to live. Thank you for the good article Pamala.
Lucinda maybe you should go live in California with your electric stoves and cars plus your wind mills that don’t work. We here in Alaska are just fine, living off this great land that God has given us.
Fish, moose, berries, mushrooms you name it. Yes even huge cabbages
Proud: what upsets you about the idea of having energy independence? I would think that a conservative anti government type like you would fully support that.
Maybe you’re upset because a sensible idea came from someone from the Left. And an atheist.
Your sensible ideas Do Not Work
God gave us oil from all those floating tree’s during the great flood, as to make oil for us to use.
Yes we need to be clean about getting the oils out of the ground. You probably don’t care or know, but there’s more oil on your garage floor then on the grounds surrounding the North slope. The animals are fine, there everywhere living amongst us.
Everyone’s Happy Gods creatures man and animals
If you are looking for whole grains & real food ingredients, I have a well stocked Granary in Palmer, Wholy Living. I don’t advertise, but word of mouth gets around. We would love to help our friends who frequent the Watchman! We started in 1993. We ship supplies to many areas around the State in the fall & spring. We even ship out bush orders Check out our website, http://www.wholyliving.com
Yes, and this dependency on the Lower 48 can be drastically reduced by our politicians representing us in Washington D.C. and in Juneau. They can start getting proactive by supporting our farmers. We’ve lost dairy farms here in the Mat-Su valley in recent years — and all due to lack of support. I’ve written to our supposed Alaska Federal representatives about this important issue, but have received ZERO responses. This apathy and lack of foresight needs to change.
My husband used to buy our grandkids lots of fruits to eat, the cheapest ones he could find. The apples he bought I couldn’t eat. I grew up in an area with lots of orchards so I’m spoiled I guess. The apples he got had a weird texture I couldn’t get past. I also noticed when slicing the apples the seeds looked like they were getting moldy. Apples and all fruits usually rot from the outside in and not the other way. One day I cut an apple in half for the grandkids and the entire 1/3 of it was a white dust. I searched the outside of the apple and there were marks in the peel indicating that something had been injected that might have caused the white dust. There were no spots to make me think the seeds, core and inner parts had been sucked out to make room for the white dust. The outside of the apple looked perfect. My conclusion was that the apple had been dipped in a preservative which had not sunk in all the way. The outer 2/3 of apple could not be bruised or rot. The inner part was sealed inside but still was able to rot or dry out into a white dust. I cannot imagine how long that apple must havve sat around while that was occurring. It was a mummy apple. It was an apple imported from China BTW. That was the day I decided that I had to do something to make sure the poor children of Alaska, at least some of them get decent fresh food and not mummy apples. We have land in Anchor Point I’m getting ready to move to where I plan on growing berries and as many types of fruits as I can and also laying hens, rabbits, goats and cows. My 1st 30 years were spent farming but not in a climate like this. I need advice but not sure where to find it. If anyone knows of any groups or individuals who would be interested in sharing their knowledge with me I would be really grateful.
mhs, indeed. Apples are very interesting nowadays. When I was growing up in Valdez, the produce was atrocious, but apples fared the best even then. They’d get punky, and mushy and bruised but if you ate them in a week or less, they were usually okay. Fast forward forty years. I buy an “organic” apple from Costco, and my son tucks it into a weird spot in the pantry and I find it a month later and it is shriveled like a raisin, but not bruised. “this goes into the compost pile” I say to myself. So I throw the apple and a bunch of clippings and stems and what-not into the tub to go into the pile. NEXT FREAKING SPRING, I am tossing the pile and that same apple, the very same one, comes tumbling out of the steaming mass of rotting vegetables and looks IDENTICAL to how it looked in October. 8 months in a hot pile of rotting earth and crap and it has deteriorated not at all. If you think the produce you buy at the grocery store is good for you, I tend to believe it cannot be. Even the organic things. That apple blew my mind and so now we try and get as much of our produce from local growers like Pyrah’s where we can’t get it done in our own garden. Good luck in your gardening, I would recommend you look up the cooperative extension and spend the time getting your soils right before you ever start growing anything, and be super selective about where you get your garden soil. We’ve (Alaskans buying plants from Home Depot) imported club-root fungus from the lower 48 and it will wreck your soil unremediated for 20 years, and even with remediation as much as 7. Happy growing and being as independent as possible!
I agree about buying local Jake! I have been trying to buy all of my produce and meat from local sources since the covid plandemic seated itself in our state. It is frightening to buy fruit and vegetables that begin to rot almost immediately when you bring them home, OR as you pointed out about the apple that would not rot. I am going back to old ways – if we cannot get it in season or something that we preserved, then we just do without. Support our local producers!
I meant to say there were NO marks in the peel anywhere indicating something had been done to the apple.
Proud: you’re just messing with me right? You don’t really believe that oil comes from trees from a flood, do you?
Lucinda: through hydrologic sorting… I do believe masses of animals were sorted to amass together. To then be covered, compressed, to eventually become oil. Yes. Why is it called fossil fuel? How are creatures preserved under dirt and clay to even be… if they were not immediately berried. Fossils are not only found under volcanic ash.. and to say a meteor covered the earth in dirt is scientifically inaccurate. When you imply someone is joking and implying incorrectness with out being autodidactic.. you reveal your hubris.
God bless =]
I think this is the most important story I have ever seen on this website. you are being depopulated in a very horrible way.. we screamed it for years and people said we were crazy
The state really needs limestone mining and fertilizer plants.. Most all this is imported. The Agrium plant in Nikiski is mothballed and owned by some Canadian globalist company that doesn’t give a rats arse about Alaska. Without lime and fertilizer things will not grow as well if at all, not to mention the chemtrailing blocking all the sunshine.