
The ACLU of Alaska, which is now heavily invested in promoting gender confusion and sexual identity experimentation among Alaska’s youth, is hosting a training session this month to enlist Mat-Su teens in promoting the LGBTQ agenda in local schools.

The Aug. 8 talk titled, “Know Your Rights: Gender Expression & Discrimination,” will occur at Black Birch Books in Wasilla, the same location where the ACLU recently hosted a brainstorming session to fight the Mat-Su School District’s effort to remove highly sexualized books from school libraries.

The upcoming training targets middle and high school students in an effort to equip them in advancing transgender, lesbian, gay, non-binary and other forms of so-called “gender expression.”


Concerned Mat-Su residents, who wish to quietly crash the training session to see how the ACLU is influencing local youth, can do so by clicking here to RSVP. The meeting is on Aug. 8, 5:30-7:30 p.m. An RSVP is required to attend.

“This training is geared towards middle and high school students, but parents and supporters are welcome to join,” a notice for the event states.

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ACLU training Mat-Su teens to be ‘gender expression’ activists in local schools

Joel Davidson
Joel is Editor-in-Chief of the Alaska Watchman. Joel is an award winning journalist and has been reporting for over 24 years, He is a proud father of 8 children, and lives in Palmer, Alaska.


  • Chuck Anziulewicz says:

    What do you mean when you want people to “crash the training session?” Look at the accompanying photo. It looks like a classroom. But THIS event is being hosted by a bookstore. When you get people to “crash” the event, will they be sitting quietly to observe, or will they be screaming bloody murder about “groomers?” Young people aren’t being forced to attend. Are you just determined to make things difficult for the kids and parents who DO? In case you didn’t know it, this sort of thing can cut both ways. Are you prepared for card-carrying members of the ACLU to “crash” YOUR events? All you are doing here is poisoning any kind of civil discourse.

    • LJ says:

      I actually agree with you….people still have free choice to attend this sort of event…..I do not support this kind of brain washing to our youth and it is appalling to me the ACLU is involved. Every day the world gets crazier and crazier .

    • B says:

      Chuck the narcissist.

  • DaveMaxwell says:

    Take the money away from these aggressive perverts!
    Hey governor how about a little help!

  • Proud Alaskan says:

    ACLU another sick evil group.

  • Penny Johnson says:

    infiltrate and indoctrinate. It’s absolutely an agenda (ACLU/Soros) built on a random, cultural isolation event (CV19) that triggered mass psychosis formation.

    • Friend of Humanity says:

      Exactly! I cannot fathom the depth of experimenting, planning, and meetings that took place to make the Plandemic happen as it did. They sure fooled a lot of people! Some that woke up immediately, many woke up as time went on, more still waking up. Sadly, some that will never wake up.

  • Where’s the science, Wendy? says:

    The human bodies come in one of two forms.

    Male and Female. All others are either a genetic DEFECT or delusion.