I am coordinating 40 Days for Life again this fall; it begins Sept. 27 and goes through Nov. 5. I hope you will join in this penitent and joyful time of public prayer and witness to the sanctity of unborn life.
The first exciting news is that a speaker from national 40 Days for Life is likely to come to our campaign!! Her visit is not official yet — please pray that it works out. If it does, she will share her remarkable story at an event sometime during the week of Oct. 9. Details will come soon. Stay tuned!
Other exciting news is that prolife volunteers in Juneau and Fairbanks are working to start their own 40 Days for Life vigils this fall!! The hope is that the speaker who hopes to come will also be able to visit those communities and help light their prolife fires.
We have a lot of work to do. The goal of 40 Days for Life is to have at least two people praying outside the abortion facility during the vigil’s hours. Our Anchorage vigil will go from 7 a.m. to 7 p.m., Monday through Saturday, from Sept. 27 to Nov. 5. Please pray about what God might be asking you to do.
— Can you give one hour a week to publicly pray for God’s protection of the unborn, the most vulnerable of all people?
— Can you be the 40 Days for Life contact at your church to help your congregation get involved (or get more involved)? If you did this last year and can continue, please let me know.
— Can you speak at your church (and others) in the upcoming weeks to share the 40 Days mission and help people sign up?
— Can you help organize the opening event on Wednesday, Sept. 27?
— Can you make phone calls to area churches and individuals who might want to be involved but aren’t on my email list?
— Can you help coordinate getting signs and materials to and from churches and individuals during the vigil, or help with music, setup, social media, bulletins, etc?
The unborn have no say in what happens to them. They cannot speak, they cannot shout, they cannot hold signs – and they cannot escape the instruments and chemicals that are introduced into the wombs of their mothers, which should be the safest place on earth. Mothers and fathers who find themselves at Planned Parenthood and other abortion facilities are offered lies instead of support. These vulnerable parents, too, need you on the street praying for them and offering them help and hope.
Please email me with any questions you have and any help you can offer. Did I say that I really need your help? Let’s make this campaign the biggest Anchorage has yet to see – through our prayer, work, and sacrifice, may God give us His grace to end abortion in our city.
In Christ, for the unborn,
— The vigil web site is live and ready for sign-ups.
— For more information, email Mary Kemper at 40DaysforLife-Anchorage@protonmail.com.
Alaska Watchman relies on reader donations to keep this project going. Click here to help.
What is the likelihood that their prayers will come true?
If it ended abortion for just one unborn human being, it is worth it.
Nothing fails as reliably as prayer.
Prayers don’t work. Women should have the final say about their bodies. Stop taking rights from women.
The only way a woman could think for one second that killing her own offspring is a right is through brainwashing. Jon, people naturally like to bring forth offspring. Killing kids is not a right. Bearing children is the greatest privilege a woman can have in this life. When a woman (who has one head, 2 arms and 2 legs) is pregnant there are 2 heads, 4 arms and 4 legs present. Either she is a monster or we are talking about two people, both of whom deserve basic human rights such as the right to life. So it’s not just a woman’s body, but also the body of her child, who may grow up to be a woman who deserves rights (and shockingly, men deserve human rights as well.) As for prayer, Louis de Wohl has a great book called Lay Siege to Heaven which speaks powerfully of the force of prayer in one woman’s life (Catherine of Siena). I’ll pray for you.
Lucinda and Jon, Do you have empirical data to support your claims that prayers don’t work or that prayers fail reliably?
Yes. If I pray for a thing and it occurs, there is a scientific explanation. It may be hard to suss out the reason but it exists. But whatever the resin, it’s not supernatural