
The Fairbanks School Board is looking to set aside the entire month of October to promote “LGBTQ History Month,” amongst the 12,700 students enrolled in the local school district.

The resolution is on the Sept. 5 meeting agenda, citing “substantial contributions” of LGBTQ individuals, and calling them a “growing asset to the Fairbanks North Star Borough School District.”

In blocking off October to promote various LGBTQ “accomplishments,” the school board resolution states the goal is to highlight the “contributions of LGBTQ individuals, role models, and historical events from across the country and community.”

The resolution boasts that the Fairbanks District is “a role model for inclusion, equity, protection, and representation,” and states that LGBTQ History Month will “expose the prejudice and discrimination that LGBTQ people face based on sexual orientation, gender identity and gender expression.”

If the resolution passes, schools across the district will be encouraged to positively promote LGBTQ issues and ideology.


— Click here for information on how to participate in the Sept. 5 school board meeting.

— Click here to contact members of the Fairbanks School Board.

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Fairbanks School Board looks to make October ‘LGBTQ History Month’

Joel Davidson
Joel is Editor-in-Chief of the Alaska Watchman. Joel is an award winning journalist and has been reporting for over 24 years, He is a proud father of 8 children, and lives in Palmer, Alaska.


  • Neil says:

    Let’s hope, but I know it won’t happen, that the Fairbanks school board comes to their senses and votes this down. First there has never been White Man month, week, or day but , we’ve had Black history month, Latino week, and now possibly LGBTQ+ MONTH. They talk about prejudice, maybe they should open their eyes and see where the prejudice really is. It’s them not us. And we wander why our school children are so far behind all others. I think it’s because our Alaskan school districts have to much priority on the wrong things. Teach our children and let the rest of this nonsense alone.

  • Soldotnan says:

    I thought we already had a June for sodomy awareness. Is that not a thing any more?

  • DaveMaxwell says:

    Time to celebrate the incompetent dunleavy administration and the associated encroachment of crap we the people have to endure! Constantly being concerned with no power to do anything about it is waring! Thank you Mike
    For???? Contact Mary Fulp for details!

  • Carol Allums says:

    Here are the questions I just sent them:
    To honor LGBTQ… History month: what is your plan for information displays? Are you going to illustrate and instruct how having sex with another person of your sex will help you to be a productive citizen? Do you have statistics to show how LGBTQ…people were able to make contributions to our country’s history based on how they behaved sexually? And what about the trans issue? Are you going to show how we can reach a true state of equity in every realm by changing the sex of some of our citizens so that we have an equal number of males vs. females? Will you have graphics displays that will define and identify all of the identities covered under the LGBTQ… umbrella?
    Hopefully this will not go through. I cannot imagine educators wasting there time on this.

  • Steve P Peterson says:

    Fairbanks… the once level-headed, down-to-earth, pragmatic, hardy mining town has become captive to the left. It probably all emanates from UAF (which also used to be sensible; students could have hunting rifles in their dorm rooms and they used them). Average people MUST stand up! The luxury of saying that it is too big or doesn’t affect folks no longer exists! If people choose to stand down they will lose their freedoms permanently. Fairbanksans, I wish you well. Sure hope you mobilize.

  • Proud Alaskan says:

    Wait, I already thought there was a federal LGBTQ sick month in June, now it’s going to be in October too.

  • John J Otness says:

    They aint gettin nowhere and they’re losing their share….oh they simply gone crazy up there.

  • Dorothy says:

    Vote this down. One month dedicated to LGBTQ is enough. Parents / let your voices be heard.

  • sam sneed says:

    Homosexual month is in June. When is heterosexual month??

  • Jen says:

    That’s the wrong month for it. October is supposed to be Domestic Violence awareness month plus at the end its Red Ribbon Drug~free campaign week. Then being in Alaska there is the Alaska Federation of Natives along with First Alaskan Native Elders and Youth convention make it good week for incorporating Alaskan Native culture, history, and art. These teacher today they don’t know how to teachers.

  • Steve says:

    The world is inflicted with a sickness that the left have nurtured and greased so the slippery slope just take society further and faster towards evil. Next thing you know they’ll start grooming your children, doctors will be willing to remove body parts at the request of a confused child, and maybe even letting a infant die on a cold metal table while it kicks and screams for just a little bit of love. The left and their obscene tolerance make me sick!

  • George says:

    Homosexuality is immoral and a sin. To be promoting it in school is far beyond human decency. These administrators need to be fired for malfeasance. Homosexuality needs to be banned again like it is in 70 other countries today.

  • Jon and Ruth Ewig says:

    To: Fairbanks North Star Borough School Board September 1, 2023
    From: Jonathan and Ruth Ewig
    RE: Discriminatory Resolution
    The FNSB School Board is looking to set aside the entire month of October to promote “LGBTQ History Month.”
    This resolution directly exposes the prejudice and discrimination that Christian people face daily based on their Biblical worldview.
    The resolution demonstrates that the Fairbanks School District is NOT “a role model for inclusion, equity, protection, and representation,”
    Instead it promotes discrimination against Christian people. It promotes a lack of inclusion, equity, protection, and representation.”
    This resolution is divisive to our community. It separates us. It doesn’t bring us together.

  • Appletree says:

    How about “Teach Our Students How to Read” month?
    Or “Math Proficiency Month”?

  • Moore Mike says:

    Finally! Someone nailed it! Thank you Appletree! they go to school to learn reading, writing, and arithmetic. That’s what I send my kids to school for in the first place. The other is for home discussion.

    • Appletree says:

      I’m tempted to suggest that some homeschooling and charter school moms could visit the public schools and do some workshops on how to teach kids to read and achieve math proficiency -perhaps even excellence!- but I imagine such an idea would be unpopular among “the experts.”