
“Electing godly leaders is a duty we have as citizens; it is a sacred responsibility, and it is one of the most practical ways we can love our neighbors.” (From Christians Engaged)

As I discussed in a recent podcast interview with Bunni Pounds with Christians Engaged, Alaska Family Council is going “all in” in a partnership with this exemplary, national ministry to increase voter turnout in the Body of Christ.

Bottom line – most of us know that those who sit in churches are not any more likely to vote than those who don’t attend church.

That is wrong and it has to change.

Our relationship with Christians Engaged exponentially expands our ability to ensure that greater numbers of God-fearing men and women in Alaska are getting to the polls.


Christians Engaged has developed, and we’ve adopted, a very sophisticated outreach program through technology that encourages church members to make a pledge to pray, vote, and engage in elections. By opting in, people receive prayer and targeted voting reminders leading up to the election from Christians Engaged and Alaska Family Council.

Public reports on-line through the Alaska Division of Elections allow us to MONITOR whether our pledge promisers have cast their vote or not.

If you’re reading this…more than likely you vote in most elections. Thank you.
We encourage you to CLICK HERE and sign the pledge now to receive voting reminders, prayer prompts and Biblical content about voting. But our goal is to reach people who do not typically vote and who attend church.

Turns out there are lots of them. Please share this with five friends and help us create momentum.

Although pastors vary greatly on whether or not they preach on anything “political” or even remind their members that there even is an election, we’ve encountered many church leaders who are absolutely convinced voting is a duty of the Christian.

Pastors who take these words of Founding Father Samuel Adams seriously – “Let each citizen remember at the moment he is offering his vote that he is not making a present or a compliment to please an individual – or at least that he ought not so to do; but that he is executing one of the most solemn trusts in human society for which he is accountable to God and his country.”

Pastors who are willing to encourage their congregations to take THE PLEDGE and inspire their members to be salt and light in every sphere of our broken culture. Pastors who will be bold and purposeful in getting their members to stand up and be accountable for lifting up the Christian voice in the voting booth. Pastors who will go so far as knowing who votes and who does not in their church.

CLICK HERE to see how one church, there are hundreds nationwide and growing, is promoting this effort on their website.

In September, we’ll be doing our part to recruit as many of these pastors and leaders as possible. You can help.

If you’re a pastor and you want to sign up right now…go to THIS LINK to become a Strategic Ministry Partner to get started. Be sure to list Alaska Family Council on the form asking How You Heard About Us.

If you are a pastor and just want to learn more, are someone who has the authority to serve in this role in your church or someone who wants to encourage your pastor to engage in this effort, please connect with Tim Barto, our VP of Operations who is overseeing our Christians Engaged program. He can be reached at or at 907.406.5146

In early October, Alaska Family Council will be hosting a pastor breakfast in Anchorage and available by Zoom to inspire and train folks on how to get the maximum number of people in their churches to PRAYVOTE and ENGAGE. Stay tuned for that info.

This is different folks. We are now equipped to move the needle. Let’s roll!

The views expressed here are those of the author.

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OPINION: Here’s how to inspire God-fearing Alaskans to flood the ballot box

Jim Minnery
A lifelong Alaskan, Jim Minnery has served as the executive director of Alaska Family Council since its inception in 2006.


  • Diana says:

    I’m definitely with you on the article and its purpose. I’m all for our pastors speaking out while at the podium, I worship the “God of Israel” and I am Christian. Thank you for taking the time to publish this wake up call. I’m listening and payiong attention.

  • Davesmaxwell says:

    although my comments may not be tolerable amongst the typical Christian participants of today’s evangelical church I’m going to say it anyway. The church at this hour has completely disenfranchised the people of depth who used to participate but long since left because the ” gospel” they insist on processing has no power, it is impotent, it’s given as if it’s an answer from an individual who has no idea what the question is. Never are the ever dramatically deteriorating issues of our times expressed. Pretending that the pile up of victims will be cured by Jesus life death and resurrection has become a example of the clueless deafening in the cathedrals filled with repetiton. Why would they vote ? They don’t see any problem that there entrusted ” faith” in this savior won’t solve for them… abortion being the exception. Other than that child mutilation, children groomed for sex by authority figures, priest included. MR MINERY YOU HAVE FAILED TO CALL YOUR OWN GOVERNOR OUT ON THIS CRAP! HERES A SOBERING REMINDER FROM THE BIBLE JUGDMENT WILL COME TO THE CHURCH FIRST! VOTE. WHAT A JOKE. THE SYSTEM IS A FRAUD AND CHRISTIANS HAVE LOST THERE SALT!!!

  • Friend of Humanity says:

    Thank you Mr. Minnery for putting out this effort to get others more involved and to get out and vote.

  • Matthew Mills says:

    Mr. Minnery,
    Thanks for the interesting piece, this is an question we should be asking, but I think you’re missing an important point: the Republican party in Alaska (and especially in Anchorage) is putting forward candidates just as secular and just as woke as the Democrats. There’s nothing particularly Christian about taxation policy, and I understand sincere Christians in Alaska opting out of a political system that tries to use “God-fearing Alaskans” to get secular, pro-abortion, pro-homosexual agenda Republicans elected.
    If there are no actual social conservative candidates on the ballot, we should stay home. Perhaps perpetually losing to the left will be a wake-up call to the Alaska Republican party to start running better candidates.

  • Davesmaxwell says:

    once again I see gutless minery silent which has become the norm amongst evangelical leaders!

    • Friend of Humanity says:

      At first, I wondered if this really was DaveMaxwell. Judging by your comments, it is the way that DaveMaxwell talks. Hmm. Dave, get involved locally and use that energy for good.

  • jon says:

    Pastors should not speak out politically unless they want their church to be taxed. Separation of church and state goes both ways.

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