Representative Matt Gaetz was forced to withdraw from his nomination as Attorney General yesterday when the Daily Mail newspaper reported that four Republican senators had opposed his nomination. With only a three-vote Republican majority for the incoming U.S. Senate, that was enough opposition for the nomination to fail. The Daily Mail reports that the four senators who betrayed their party are Lisa Murkowski (R-AK), Susan Collins (R-ME), Mitch McConnell (R-KY), and John Curtis (R-UT). A reason was given for their opposition to Gaetz’s nomination, but Washington insiders are starting to talk about the real story behind the Republican opposition, and it is not what you have been told.
The official narrative is that the senators opposed Gaetz’s nomination because of an old ethics charge against him. The House Ethics Committee investigation relates to false accusations made against Gaetz in 2020 by Joel Greenberg, a man imprisoned for multiple crimes. Greenberg made salacious claims against Matt Gaetz, possibly in an attempt to get a reduced sentence for his own criminal behavior. The FBI investigated Gaetz for three years before they concluded there was no wrongdoing on Gaetz’s part. The Democrat-led House Ethics Committee has also looked into the charges and found nothing.
Ironically, these four senators are now critical of Gaetz’s alleged behavior when Biden’s cabinet is like the bar scene from the first Star Wars movie. It is a literal freak show of individuals with deviant sexual preferences and behaviors, and Lisa Murkowski voted to approve all of them. She apparently just found her conscience with the Gaetz nomination. Mitch McConnel evidently did too, and one unproven allegation was enough to cost Gaetz the position of AG.
If the story is true about FBI involvement in sabotaging the Gaetz nomination is true, it shows the weak and feckless nature of the people we entrust to run Washington, DC, and how the bureaucracy controls them.
The truth of the matter does not relate to these allegations. When the Gaetz nomination for AG was announced, the entrenched interests in DC brought up the old, unproven claims that Gaetz had dated a 17-year-old girl back in 2017 in an attempt to discredit him. You might think that if there is any truth to this, maybe Gaetz shouldn’t have been nominated to be the AG, but that thinking would be tragically naïve in today’s Washington. That is not how things work back in the DC cesspool.
The Uniparty feared Gaetz and knew they had to get rid of him. Dragging up old unproven allegations made against him by a convicted criminal and then using that as a pretext to get four Deep State senators to oppose the nomination was what it took.
This isn’t just my opinion. The truth behind the opposition to Gaetz’s nomination may be what was published in great detail on X (formerly Twitter) and the Blaze Media website. These reports alleged that the FBI planted this information about Gaetz to sabotage his nomination. These reports are credible and fit all of the facts in this case. I can’t vouch for their accuracy, but they document a compelling story. You can read the reports at the links here, and here.
If the story is true about FBI involvement in sabotaging the Gaetz nomination is true, it shows the weak and feckless nature of the people we entrust to run Washington, DC, and how the bureaucracy controls them. I am reminded of something former CIA Director William Casey once said in 1987, “We’ll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false.” After all of the lies the government told during the Covid pandemic and the stolen 2020 election, Casey’s prediction might today be true. It is hard to say what is real and what is fiction in Washington DC, but one thing is obvious.
The entrenched bureaucracy that Donald Trump refers to as the Deep State is fighting back. Americans elected Trump because we want this kind of behavior to end, but the swamp will not go willingly. Senators like Lisa Murkowski need to be removed from positions of influence, and we, as Alaskans, can do something about it.
I’m sorry to keep harping about Lisa Murkowski, but it is time for the Republican Party in Alaska to wise up and find someone with MAGA credentials to run against Murkowski when she is up for election again in 4 years. Her next election is in 2028, and that might sound like a long way off, but Alaskan conservatives need to coalesce around one individual with true conservative credentials who can start campaigning and build their war chest of cash to run against the feckless idiot we have representing us back in Washington DC right now. Senator Palin has a nice ring to it. Got any better ideas?
The views expressed here are those of Greg Sarber. Read more Sarber posts at his Seward’s Folly substack.
I’m sure happy to see Gaetz gone! We can do so much better than that nominee. I’m going to continue to support centrist Lisa Murkowski as we don’t need more neo-conservative, Christian fundamentalists in government.
Lisa is not a centrist! She’s a RINO. She had no problem in the current administration confirming two men that believed they were women, and a radical Attorney General that did everything possible to destroy our legal system. Just watch how many more qualified nominations Lisa rejects. Lisa is anti-Trump and a radical leftist, if you haven’t realized that then I suggest you return to CNN, PBS, and stay in your demented world.
She is a centrist. MAGAs are on the far far right. Everyone should be anti Trump.
No, David, you are wrong. We DO need more neo-conservatives and Christian fundamentalists in government. This country was founded on Biblical principles and by Christian fundamentalists. You can vote for whomever you desire, but Lisa Murkowski is against Biblical principles as she has demonstrated in her lies and support for abortion. Abortion is not health care. Abortion is sin. And when this nation, founded by Godly men on Biblical principles, resorts to just the opposite, this nation will fall. Expect it and watch for it, unless WE turn it around with prayer as George Washington began his administration as the first President of the United States. Vote for whom you will David, but stand ready to defend your vote before Almighty God.
Are Christians to blame for the last 4 years of complete & utter failure? No. The people voted for a change in government. Doesn’t matter what you think we need. What was it Obama said? Oh ya, “Elections have consequences”.
There were a lot of accomplishments under Biden, https://washingtonmonthly.com/wp-content/uploads/2024/04/Apr-24-Chart-Intro.jpg
What kind of person defends Gaetz? Sarber should leave town with his head between his legs (Dan Quayle).
davy Jones you are more suited to stick with your other occupation! HEY HEY WERE THE MONKEYS!!!!! and clowns.
Well, this is interesting.
Mark Alexander at Patriot Post has a completely different take on Gaetz and his nomination and withdrawal. I’m not sure what to think anymore. And maybe that’s just fine.
President Trump doesn’t have to announce any of his cabinet picks … & if the Senate has no time limits to confirm or not confirm, that indicates there is not time limite.
Which seems to imply the President can call a recess to congreass at any time & leave it in recess as long as he wants … so during that recess he can appoint any and all his choices… no need to consult the Senate … that is purely at the President’s discression.
Palin would be a poison candidate. We will not win. She’s finished. Ran a terrible campaign 2 years ago.
Sarah Vance catches my eye.
Excellent article.
The blue team never would question a recently elected blue president who won over 300 electoral votes- and the popular vote- on his picks for his cabinet. But the red team seems to think knifing their team in the back it somehow “elevated” and evolved” when in fact it is weak and feckless.
President Trump did very well this election. The Republican party not so much. What does the republication House stand for? Run on? Same for the Senate. On the state level here in Alaska you have straight up Democrats running and holding office as Republicans. It is duplicitous and fraudulent. A great housecleaning is ripe in this state and many other red states. I and may others welcome that day.
The selected team is ultra low lying and unevolved. They are all toadies of trump and don’t have qualifications. That’s why the MAGAs are questioning the choices.
Murkowski is in the spotlight. President Trump will establish the power, when he gets into office, to fire bureaucrats. I am praying that Lisa is one of those bureaucrats that he fires. We have been trying to legally get rid of her since 2010, but somehow she keeps slithering back into the winner’s box. I would love to hear Trump say, “Senator Lisa Murkowski, YOU ARE FIRED!”
President Trump can’t fire Lisa, but Elon Musk and the rest of us can certainly help finance a better person than Frank Murkowski’s little girl. Lisa maintains the Senate position by her dirty tricks, outside dark money, and pork barreling our tax dollars to the native communities.
The story of the FBI leaking information on Gaetz may be entertaining but the truth is much simpler. Matt Gaetz was HATED by Republicans in both the House & Senate. This was not politics, this was personal. Gaetz annoyed, agitated, and enraged colleagues by his actions towards them personally. For him to withdraw his nomination so quickly demonstrates clearly that there were enough Republican Senators who were a hard NO from the moment his nomination was announced. When you publicly criticize your republican colleagues so frequently and with so much enthusiasm as Gaetz did and then you are also responsible for taking down a Speaker of the House from your OWN party, you have created enemies who will not forgive and never forget. So when the time came around to put the proverbial knife in Gaetz’s back those enemies were all waiting patiently with extra sharp knives. Whether someone totally agrees with what happened or is utterly opposed to it, the fact is Matt Gaetz has no one to blame but himself.
Have you ever seen Matt Gaetz and David Eastman in the same room at the same time?
Gaetz was despised due to his desire to clean up the House of lairs and crooks, that’s why he would have been a great Attorney General… that’s why Lisa was afraid of him. I’m sure Gaetz would have exposed her as another inside trader and traitor.
Meanwhile, Trump’s pick for Treasury secretary is Scott Bessent, who resides in Charleston, South Carolina, with his husband and two children.
And, therefore, will never suffer a political hit based on sex, past or present. He will be immune to such character assassinations.
Do you ever wonder why it is that only straight men get taken down politically by sex-related allegations?
Scott Bessent is a personal protégée of George Soros. He started working for Soros Investment Funds in the 1980s rose all the way to CIO. During his career with Soros he was a good little progressive and gave to the Dems. In 2015 he left to form his own hedge fund, Key Square Capital Management. When a finance guy goes out on his own and starts a new hedge fund they have to bring in seed capital. This means hitting rich people up for typically a few million at a time, maybe a few tens of millions if you’re a particular hotshot. Bessent’s new fund was staked an absolutely unreal $2 billion by George Soros himself. After starting his own firm, his politics suddenly shifted right. Some people say this is an indication of a huge falling out with Soros, but typically huge fallings out aren’t accompanied by $2 billion in cold hard cash. Even for Soros, that’s a ton of money. Did Bessent have a genuine change of heart or is he a plant?
This seems to be the rest of the story of what happened to Gaetz. Initially a shakedown of his father.
Wow, just read the article… wonder if Lisa knows this story and is just ignoring the total coverup by the our government officials. I quit trusting Lisa after numerous letters to her and receiving nothing of substance in return, and her scandal of running as a write-in after losing the Republican primary. How many of you out there have written her, only to get a non-committal reply back?
At least you were fortunate to get a reply. I gave up on her LONG ago, — due to numerous “no responses” to constituent concerns.
Please research Markwayne Mullen’s opinion of him. As one of the most conservative members of the US Senate, he witnessed behavior from Matt Gaetz that was perverse, not Christian, and not up to the standard of anything close to that of the Attorney General of the United States. His account had nothing to do with any FBI account – just personal experience from things he had seen on Gatez’s phone while on the House floor. I’m disappointed that the bar is apparently so low that people still defend him. We can do better and with Gaetz gone we surely did.
Tom S, before drawing clear lines as you have above demonizing Gaetz, do a tiny bit of research. Who did Mullins vote for to be speaker of the house? Remember, those that were McCarthy stalwarts vowed revenge on Gaetz since he started the ouster. Looks like the McCarthy cabal has won this round and for exactly what they wanted, revenge on Gaetz regardless of how.
Sorry – I’m not buying it. Bizarre to me why Gaetz vacated his seat and is now selling personal greetings on Cameo. For $525 he’ll say whatever you want him to. That was going to be our Attorney General. We will do better.
Good grief. Great article until Palin was suggested as a replacement. No. Palin is a ‘watch me’ gal. There are many more suitable potential candidates.
Kevin McCarthy is still walking around with Gaetz’s long knife protruding from his back. Anybody who is surprised that his nomination to AG didn’t even make it to Senate committee confirmation is an idiot or extreme zealot. Gaetz burned his bridge before even crossing . His excuse (lie) for stabbing McCarthy in the back was the budget continuing resolution which the new Speaker Johnson allowed because he had to. It was all an obvious lie. It was personal. He can’t be trusted.
Appoint Gaetz a special counsel investigating crimes committed in the FBI and intelligence communities during the lawfare campaign against Trump. No Confirm or Consent needed. Watch the traitors flee the country voluntarily.
“Gaetz burned his bridge before even crossing”. Good statement
Murkowski, Collins, and McConnell all voted YES to confirm Merrick Garland for AG. That should tell you, these people are No-Good!
All good comments, but frankly, I don’t think we should wait another four years. She can do an awful lot of further “embarrassing” damage in that amount of time. How about removal from office NOW, — by way of impeachment? The Alaska GOP should be exploring this option NOW.
Have you forgotten that she was primaried out, ran against the GOP candidate as a write in in the general election, won and the GOP LET HER BACK IN!!!
To be impeached there needs to be a documented violation(s). Got one?
Isn’t there a provision to recall elected officials who fail to meet the values of their constituents?
Alakans hands down voted for #POTUS47 Donald Trump. Lisa Murkowski should be RECALLED !
Like anything else that Mr. Trump does…controversy will follow. That’s the American way of freedom of opinion. But one thing is certain…if these persons who are nominated become confirmed…if they don’t produce…they’ll be terminated. Simple as that. God Bless America!