In a Dec. 13 interview with the group “No Labels,” Alaska U.S. Sen. Lisa Murkowski repeatedly said she is uncomfortable with her Republican party affiliation, and suggested that the country would be far better off if politicians could figure out a way to ditch party affiliations altogether.
Founded by long-time Democratic operative Nancy Jacobson, who has worked for the Clinton’s and Obama’s, No Labels fancies itself as an advocate for transcending, and ultimately undermining the power of established political parties. The group has found favor with many Democrats and left-of-center Republicans.
Murkowski, who is no fan of President-elect Donald Trump, has increasingly distanced herself from the GOP and its priorities. She is now best known for voting with Democrats on a host of left-leaning causes.
In addition to voting to impeach President Trump, she has opposed efforts to protect women’s sports from transgender biological males, voted to confirm a radical LGBTQ activist for Health and Human Services and joined Democrats to confirm anti-oil-development Deb Holland as Interior secretary. She’s also an enthusiastic supporter of Planned Parenthood’s abortion agenda, which includes the right to kill unborn babies at any time – for any reason.

In her interview with No Labels, she characterized herself as a brave woman who “dares to stand in the middle,” and who “doesn’t really have a political home.”
“I don’t think I’ve made any secret of the fact that I’m more of a Ronald Regan Republican than I am a Donald Trump Republican,” she boasted. “Some would say, ‘Well, you’re not really a Republican at all.’ And I say, you can call me whatever you want to call me. I’m not attached to a label. I’d rather be that ‘no label’ … and I’m totally good and comfortable with that. In fact, I think I’m more comfortable with that identity than an identity as a Republican, as a party person.”
Given her affinity for “no labels,” it’s no surprise that Murkowski was behind the initial effort to institute Alaska’s highly divisive and controversial ranked-choice voting scheme back in 2020. Developed by her close ally, Scott Kendall, the ballot measure did away with party primaries, thereby allowing politicians like Murkowski to avoid having to make her case to Republicans in order to make it onto the general election ballot.
Now, she can avoid party primaries altogether, and then appeal to Democrats and left-of center Republicans in her general election contests. Her next campaign will be in 2028.
As for the immediate future, Murkowski worries that it will be difficult for politicians like here, given that Trump won the White House, and Republicans now control both the U.S. House and Senate
“I think it’s going to be hard in these next four years because you have an administration coming in that has had an opportunity to see what worked, what didn’t work – and now had four years to think about it, and the approach is going to be, everybody toe the line, everybody line up,” she said. “We gotcha’ here and if you want to survive, you better be good. Don’t get on Santa’s naughty list or we will primary you.”
Murkowski said she is already feeling the pressure to approve Trump’s cabinet nominees. She added that she is afraid energized Republicans will “overreach” in their zeal to enact priority legislation.
Murkowski’s ideal political world would be neither red nor blue, she explained. In fact, she believes it would have been far better if the 2024 presidential election had managed to put forth what she calls “a unity ticket,” under the leadership of someone like Democratic U.S. Sen. Joe Manchin.
Despite her rhetoric and mounting criticism of the GOP, Murkowski is not prepared to make the bold step of walking away from the Republican party.
“You don’t have to leave your party [to] be free to express views that are outside of your party lines,” she said. “I am still a Republican. Some people think I’m an independent, but I’ve never shed my party label.”
Nevertheless, she admits that she’s an oddity within the GOP.
“I don’t fit well,” she said. “I hate the labels we assign to people.”
Over the next four years, Murkowski said she hopes to find more like-minded “no label” colleagues in the U.S. Senate.
“It is not easy when it is you who is bucking the party, when you’re trying to move forward,” she lamented. “It’s a very lonely place to be.”
Lisa, name one thing other than your lable that makes you a republican. You can’t! I bet you can’t remember the last time you voted republican on anything. Either change to the Democrat you are or at least go to independent. That is what your calling a “No Lable.” You’ve become a disgrace to the Republicans and yourself.
Lisa Murkowski is a huge funky POS!
Lisa Murkowski is basically in a state of “shame” and its not going away. The no label issue isn’t a lack of decisions because she actually has made decisions against her personal and open commitments when she was appointed by her father and took the seat knowingly breaking the law against the Alaska and US Constitution. She and her father totally disenfranchised every voter in the state of Alaska when she was appointed. She knows she made many commitments then changed her votes after counseling by her mentor, Dianne Feinstein. Every vote for abortion bills for money around the world pushed her further into this “shame” she tries to recover from. She is refused communion by the officiating priest when and if she wants communion. The new administration isn’t her problem and she knows it. Its Lisa Murkowski . She looks for means to destroy anything good for many if she alone can be the center of attention. Rank Choice Voting put her front and center. Helping the Biden Administration take the resource development away from the State of Alaska is another open, critical offense. Corruption and that influence is her scheme. She has chosen “shame” and she looks every moment of that open disgrace. Shame on Lisa Murkowski for the destruction you have brought to so many,
Diana, I give you a standing ovation!
Spot on! Bravo!
Lisa murkowski isn’t wrong about the two party system sucking major booty cheeks and you all know that. A true strong government would be one that puts down the party affiliations and got to work helping average day working class Americans.
And Lisa does not fitting that description. She is definitely a part of the Deep State. She made a huge move in voting to Impeach President Trump over lies which the Secrecy Society [SS] of our government perpetrated on our society.
how did she keep getting elected. cant figure out what’s wrong with Alaska voters
Apparently, RCV.. “”Rigged Choice Voting”..
She cheats. First her Daddy hands her the seat. Then Joe Miller wins the primary and Lisa runs as a “write-in” candidate (and a judge rules the write in does not even have to be spelled correctly). Then Tishibaka gets endorsed by Trump and would have beat Murkowski were it not for Rigged Choice Voting. Look at the scowl on Lisa’s puckered old face in the picture above. Tells you all you need to know about this nasty woman.
She’s had an easy time getting in and staying in politics. Daddy bypassed the voting process and gave his seat over to her, with no legal consequences. Subsequently, the broken voting machines, RCV and DC millions have kept her in office, thwarting the Alaskan voting majority. But this time, she knows she’s done, hence the whining about labels. She’s writing the conclusion of her career. First, it was Lisa pressed against a wall with Feinstein in her face. Now, with the unmuffled Trump inauguration engine revving up, Lisa knows what’s coming and she is deflecting by lamenting the two party system. Good riddance, hag. Sweep up around your seat and take your broom with you. You’re fired.
And, ah, us Republicans would prefer she was honest and labeled herself No-Label ( isn’t that an oxymoronic statement?) or Democrat.
Good for Lisa Murkowski for standing on her own and away from loonie Christians, wacko lefties and Republican nut jobs. History will judge her kindly. As for the others, not so much.
Yeah…except for that whole stabilizing her entire career on the broken backs of infants slaughtered by Planned Parenthood thing…blood money doesn’t bode well for anybody, on this earth or in the face of eternity.
Well…Lisa’s pro abortion now that she’s been born.
Whatever thrusts her upward…
Davey Jones is faithful follower of Lisa Murkowski, she who cheats and panders to the BIG money donors. If she’s standing on her own… there’s a reason, I wouldn’t want to get next to her either.
History will judge her kindly? Lisa will not be remembered for doing anything worthwhile other than her well deserved nickname, “Princess.” And for her homely appearance.
David, Lisa was put into her status by nepotism. She has never been in favor of protecting Alaskans and would sleep with the Democratic party to gain favor.
Lisa should have been removed a long time ago—but for RCV. So there is no sadness for her—
her failing has caused Alaskans a lot of collateral damage.
Because she won’t win a Republican primary…..
Isa, you are a disgrace to the Republican party. Not only that, but you are also a disgrace to other labels you apply to yourself: Alaskan.
Of course, the chameleon changes again. 2nd Petition to repeal RCV has been turned in. She’s very worried about her next run for office. Term limits. Primary her, people!
Lisa would prefer her “No Label” aka the “Deep State”. By Lisa’s definition our Founding Fathers, and all the great men that gave their lives for our country were zealots. Lisa is, in my opinion, evil, she will do what ever it takes to maintain the power her Daddy handed off to her. She is of the same cloth as Mitch McConnell, just rags.
Here’s my belief: Phil Izon turned in an initiative to get rid of ranked choice voting-yes, trying again! Shortly after he turned in his initiative, another group turned in an initiative to repeal ranked choice voting also; but, they are focusing on some different bullet points apparently. Thing is, I have been reading on X that two of the women that that other group are friends of Murkowski’s. Why would they turn in a petition to get rid of RCV when Murkowski got it going and has always won because of it? I believe that the second petition is to screw up the entire attempt to get rid of RCV so that it will stay in Alaska. The evil knows that if Phil Izon and his group get on the ballot again, RCV will be GONE.
Santa’s naughty list? Oh barf! This is the problem with the rhinos and Dems. They all live in some fictional world where fake things are real and where they can “POOF” become anything they identify as.
Murkowski needs to go. This gross clown works rhetoric needs to be dismantled.
If she doesn’t want the label of “Republican”, why doesn’t she change her partisan designation to “I”?
Oh……….., because she wants party money for campaigning, so she can get elected to represent……………………well…………………who, exactly?
Why any politician would want to be associated with the toxic MAGA cult is beyond me. Good for Lisa.
Go back to sleep, Jeff. Your rock awaits you. Apparently, CNN hasn’t announced the winner of the 2024 election yet. Oh, wait, CNN is for sale, that must be why you aren’t informed by your tel-LIE-vision.
Lisa Murkowski is a political clown and an embarassement to All Alaskans. Let’s vote her Dumbocrat Butt out of office next time around!
Mark in Wasilla
Alaska’s republican party should have the right to force Lisa Murkowski to officially resign , and replace her with another prominent Republican representative by direction of the Governor.
She is not representing Alaskan Constituents by running amuck .
Haha–I’d give her a label, but truth has been spoken above already, and far more eloquently than I could muster.
Lisa, stop wasting time on introspection and do something useful for Alaska. We don’t care about your self reflection. Just switch parties already or get out!
She doesn’t want a label but she labels herself Republican!! She doesn’t represent Republicans so she needs to be fired!! She doesn’t beat to her own drum, she beats to the Democrats drum! She doesn’t like Donald Trump but he won the election. If she can’t do the job quit!! Alaska will celebrate!!
She voted with Trump 98% of his first term
If Murkowski doesn’t like who & what “We The People” voted for, she can quit or be FIRED! Then we can replace her with a real patriot. Alaska’s state Congress needs overhauled as well.
How about Mary Peltola?! She had a change of heart recently. Does she have senate aspirations?
Greetings All,
Now that Lisa M has performed the BAIT AND SWITCH it should be grounds to REMOVE her permanently for fraud. The boot is coming.
Maybe a cozy little pad in GITMO with an orange jumpsuit and (sigh) another common label:
Prisoner. Or perhaps a duplex with her good bud, Liz Cheney.
If I were Lisa I would feel the same way. The MAGAs are an embarrassing lot to true Republicans. They can never decide amongst themselves. 38 Republicans against Musk’s (Trump’s) spending bill. You do know that Elon will be running the show?
I doubt you were taught history in school, D. What is history, anyway? According to your post, you are quite unaware of Lisa’s own recent history. You might want to educate yourself before spouting off. Those looney Christians won the election. Things are about to change. Take notes, D.
One consolation; Lisa will hereafter be out in the cold, alone, with little power, with a bird’s eye view of a Trump revolution contrary to her own wishes, with more Alaskan’s than ever seeing her as the dried-out hypocritical politician that she really is.
Everyone, please ask the Alaska GOP why they are not addressing this issue with Murkowski. I vote as a Republican and I expect my representative that runs as a Republican to act and vote as a Republican. I expect my Republican GOP to back Republican candidates and Republican incumbents. Again, why is the Alaska GOP not taking action on Murkowski’s turn-coat statements?