
News and Stories that affect liberty and the public and private freedoms we enjoy, or are entitled to, as proclaimed in the Alaska State Constitution, or endowed by our creator.

4.5 > Banning Vaccine Passports

Rand Paul recently had a heated sparring match with Anthony Fauci where Paul cited study after study showing that there is zero, literally zero scientific evidence for transmission of COVID by people who have had the original strain of virus and now have

Mat-Su hopes to end all school mask mandates by June 1

The age of mask mandates for students, teachers, staff, parents and others in Mat-Su schools will likely come to an end on June 1. This decision was made during a recent work session that involved School District Superintendent Randy Trani, School Board
Juneau abortion endorsment pic

Alaska House urges Congress to let cruise ships travel north

The Alaska State House passed Senate Joint Resolution 9 urging the U.S. Congress and President Joe Biden to temporarily halt federal laws that currently block large cruise ships from visiting Alaska. The resolution passed the House 38-2 with only Rep. David

How to bring Alaska back from the brink

This past year of forced isolation, caused by an overly oppressive government reaction to COVID, crippled our economy and quashed our spirit of independence. We have become a submissive society, relinquishing our independence to government socialist control.

COVID-hype victims and the denial of medical treatment

I don’t like assuming the role of “victim.” That is best left to liberals and socialists. But in all the worry about this non-crisis, only thin, reedy voices have mentioned that the loss of medical treatment due to “fears” is real. Lynette Clark, my