Film shows how college ‘Safe Spaces’ are really a ban on free speech
Benjamin Franklin, wrote that “Freedom of speech is a principal pillar of a free government: When this support is taken away, the constitution of a free society is dissolved.” Last night, I had the pleasure of watching “No Safe Spaces,” a wonderfully
Juneau campus named ‘most LGBTQ-friendly college’ in Alaska
The University of Alaska Southeast (UAS) was named the top LGBTQ-friendly college for Alaska by the Campus Pride Index. In partnership with Campus Pride, released its rankings earlier this year to help students of various sexual and gender
Fairbanks culture wars prove local elections will matter in 2020
While we enjoy our holiday season, celebrating the birth of our Lord and Savior, let’s remember the disaster that hit us in Fairbanks last year. It really brings to mind the need to pray for our state and communities, and the need to be involved in electing
Juneau university pushes extreme leftist social agenda on students
This is the first in a series looking at how Alaska’s more prominent university campuses deal with controversial social issues on campus. The University of Alaska, Southeast (UAS) in Juneau is part of the University of Alaska system which includes campuses
Q&A: Conservative student leader ‘isolated’ at liberal Juneau campus
Nathan Block is the vice president of the Campus Conservatives Club at the University of Alaska, Southeast in Juneau where he has received an undergraduate in philosophy and English and is working on his master’s in public administration. The Watchman spoke
On mixing guns and God
The phrase, “Don’t mix politics with religion” is a shopworn fantasy. It’s usually trotted out when the left finds it suitable to their needs, yet they turn around and use religion as a convenient tool when targeting the right. It is hunting season
Presentation looks at why youth must be equipped to defend faith
The student-led Wisdom Club at the University of Alaska, Anchorage, is hosting a seminar on “The importance of apologetics for Christian youth.” Part of a monthly series, the upcoming event takes place on Tuesday, Nov. 5, at UAA’s Rasmuson Hall – room
Mat-Su Borough candidates’ positions on abortion, religious liberty and LGBTQ issues
A newly-released “Values Voter Guide” by the Alaska Family Council lets Mat-Su residents know where candidates running for Borough Assembly and Borough School Board stand on abortion, religious liberty and LGBTQ issues. Voters will cast ballots on Nov. 5
Lawyer: Satanist ‘prayers’ at Kenai Assembly not supported by Alaska’s Constitution
Brett Harvey, Senior Legal Counsel for Alliance Defending Freedom, has litigated First Amendment cases for nearly 20 years. Notably, he argued to reinstate a policy allowing prayer before town meetings in a small city in New York. That case, Town of Greece v.
Personal feelings cannot be a shared foundation for law
I watched the lawsuit and litigation play out this summer between the City of Anchorage and the Downtown Hope Center. The entire incident leading to the lawsuit would be great satirical fodder for the pages of The Onion, but it very much happened. Were it a