OPINION: Pro-Palestinian, anti-Semitic rhetoric is a classic example of far-left confusion
OPINION: Pro-Palestinian, anti-Semitic rhetoric is a classic example of far-left
OPINION: Let’s speak frankly about infanticide in Alaska
The act of killing an infant by premeditated murder is called infanticide. Since Roe v Wade, we've heard it called "abortion" or "termination of pregnancy.” Those terms are nothing more than language
EDITORIAL: Celebrating Alaska Native culture and religion…when it’s convenient
Unfortunately, you won’t hear a peep about Blessed Olga from modern, leftist activist groups in Alaska. While they claim to be champions of Native spirituality, subsistence lifestyles and women’s rights, they have absolutely no use for the Christian faith
OPINION: It’s time to stop worshipping at the cult of government
It is time to get inside the “comfort zone” - not of our politicians - but of our pastors. And yes, our own comfort zones. Pastors have an invisible barrier that keeps them from expounding all the truths we find in the Bible. This is because they
OPINION: It’s time for Alaskans to protest Sen. Sullivan’s failure to protect the unborn
OPINION: It’s time for Alaskans to protest Sen. Sullivan’s failure to protect the
OPINION: Anchorage Assembly erodes democracy by usurping mayor’s authority
The Assembly continues to say that Mayor Bronson has no authority to create policy and that it is only a function of the legislative branch. This behavior is dangerous and compromises our
Will Mat-Su voters defend Alaska’s most conservative outpost?
Will Mat-Su voters defend Alaska’s most conservative
OPINION: Dunleavy fights to keep 14-year-old autistic boy in homeless shelter targeted by traffickers
OPINION: Dunleavy fights to keep 14-year-old autistic boy in homeless shelter targeted by
Taking stock of ‘great’ Alaskans
Our last 1955 delegate to the Constitutional Convention just died. Vic Fisher was a born-and-bred Leftist, even as his parentage escaped Stalinist Russia. Like Ted Stevens, yet another lauded “great” Alaskan, men of their educational pedigrees could not
Alaska’s publicly funded charter schools offer innovative alternatives to traditional education
Alaska’s publicly funded charter schools offer innovative alternatives to traditional