First Alaskans get fast-tracked COVID shots
The first shipments of Pfizer COVID vaccines arrived on Sunday night via UPS from the Pfizer plant in Michigan. They quickly headed to health care facilities across Alaska with the first of two rounds of shots already administered to many residents. Gov. Mike
Americans of all political stripes far less likely to mask up in private settings
While the majority of Alaskans appear to mask up when out on the town, a new Gallup study has found that Americans in general are far less inclined to cover their faces when gathering with friends and family in private settings. This holds true for Democrats,
Anchorage Museum offers ‘affirmations’ for the hunkered down
The Saturday Night Live’s “Daily Affirmations with Stuart Smalley” was a wildly popular spoof on the idea of sappy self-affirmation. Created by comedian and former U.S. Senator Al Franken, the skit was a SNL mainstay for much of the 1990s. It often
Alaskans invited to celebrate three-day Christmas fest in Palmer
Small town Palmer, Alaska, is renowned for the way it celebrates the run up to Christmas. This year’s three-day Colony Christmas event is slightly different, but the historic farming community is determined to light up the streets and the sky with Christmas
2020 exposed a festering disease in America
This past winter the world began to change before our very eyes as the specter of an unknown global pandemic struck fear into the hearts of men. Lockdowns and closures – unthinkable in modern America – reshaped our lives overnight. Whole sectors of
Dunleavy hails ‘bravery and final sacrifice’ of Pearl Harbor heroes
Gov. Mike Dunleavy issued a proclamation to mark the 79th anniversary of the surprise attack on the United States at Pearl Harbor, Hawaii, Dec. 7, 1941. The aerial assault by the Imperial Japanese Navy Air Service, claimed the lives of 2,403 soldiers and
‘Why are masks so political? What’s the big deal?’
A good friend recently asked, “Why are masks so political? What’s so controversial about wearing a little face covering?” The answer to the first question is straight forward. Masks are political because local and state governments have passed laws
Alaska hospital association president addresses COVID testing, healthcare capacity
Jared Kosin is president and CEO of the Alaska State Hospital and Nursing Association, which represents more than 65 hospitals, nursing homes, and other healthcare organizations that employ over 10,000 Alaskans. The Watchman sent several questions to Kosin in
Mat-Su Borough mayor overrides effort to repeal controversial gun range restrictions
The heated and protracted debate over whether to increase regulations on outdoor shooting ranges in the Mat-Su Borough ended with Borough Mayor Vern Halter vetoing the Assembly’s vote to reconsider an ordinance that passed last month. The majority of
Retired Lieutenant General to Alaska: Biden is coming for our guns
With every passing day it appears more likely Joe Biden will become our next president. From the illegal vote counting, vote harvesting, forged ballots and political court rulings against President Trump, it seems democracy has been hijacked by the Left. This