Harvard’s anti-homeschool summit cancelled
An anti-homeschool summit that was scheduled for next month at Harvard Law School has reportedly been cancelled. According to one of the invited speakers, the controversial event was scratched due to COVID-19 concerns. Calls and emails to Harvard to confirm
Schools took the role of parents because we let them
Much has been said about Alaskan student test scores lately. We now hold the honor of being dead last in literacy rates. That’s right, Alaska holds the red lantern of literacy as measured in the 4th and 8th grade. It’s time to have an honest
Fairbanks parents defeated by school district’s pro-LGBT forces
Battle hardened educational bureaucrats finally pushed aside Fairbanks parents and concerned community members to force through a curriculum that weaves leftist ideology, multiculturalism and the LGBTQ agenda into area classrooms. In the end, the deck was
Anti-homeschool summit features influential Alaskan
Parental rights advocates are concerned about an upcoming Harvard summit in June that includes nationally known figures who want homeschooling banned and/or heavily regulated by the state. One of the speakers is Dr. Barbara Knox, the new medical director of
Tips for Alaskans considering homeschool this fall
In response to COVID-19, Alaska took the unprecedented step of closing schools from mid-March until the end of the school year. Schools both in Alaska and around the nation are already discussing delayed starts for the coming school year, leaving many parents
Alaska’s homeschool ranks surge amid virus outbreak
With COVID-19 shutting down all traditional public schools in Alaska, tens of thousands of parents have been thrust, almost overnight, into the role of home educators. According to leaders from some of the top state-run homeschool programs, many of these
Homeschool options: A list of all state-funded programs in Alaska
Alaska offers 30 public-homeschool programs for students across the state. These options provide parents with a roughly $2,000 educational allotment for each enrolled child. The money can be used to pay for books, materials, tutors and other educational
The sad, bizarre state of Alaska’s government schools
Earlier this month the Fairbanks North Star Borough School District published the final draft of its new policies on transgender students. It was going to be presented officially on March 17, but with the COVID-19 panic the meeting was canceled. It remains to
Anchorage candidate keeping quiet on plot to ban counseling for unwanted LGBT attraction
Anchorage Assembly Member Christopher Constant is waiting until the election results are in the bag before introducing a ban on counseling for people who wish to overcome unwanted same-sex attraction. Constant, who is openly gay and running unopposed for his
Pro-life, pro-family Anchorage voter guide shows stark differences among candidates
There could not be greater contrasts among the candidates running for Anchorage Assembly and Anchorage School Board seats, especially with regards to pro-life, parental rights and religious liberty issues. Between March 17 and April 7, Anchorage residents