Tshibaka vows to defend gun rights, religious liberty, free speech, state rights
Kelly Tshibaka, who aims to unseat 20-year U.S. Senator Lisa Murkowski in the midterm elections, just released her latest list of policy agenda promises to Alaskans. They deal with gun ownership, religious freedoms, First Amendment rights and federal
OPINION: What must Alaska do in a post-Roe world?
It is impossible to overestimate the significance of the Supreme Court’s decision for life and for the Constitution. On June 24th, 2022, the Court righted a horrible wrong by soundly overturning Roe v Wade, a stain on American jurisprudence with more than
Movement equips parents to gut libraries of gender confusing books
With taxpayer-funded public libraries in Alaska and across the country increasingly choosing to highlight and prominently display sexualized and gender queer books aimed at young children, especially during so-called “LGBTQ Pride Month,” a national
Alaska’s private, religious schools grow despite Covid, inflation, high gas prices
Many parents have removed their children from public schools in favor of private education, both in Alaska and around the nation. This is occurring despite financial hardships due to Covid-related unemployment, high gas prices and growing inflation. The
Alaska AG recused from reviewing use of state funds for private education
As the Alaska Department of Law considers the legality of using state funds to pay for private education costs, Attorney General Treg Taylor has recused himself from reviewing all matters involving the use of homeschool allotments for this purpose. Taylor’s
Alaska will reimburse parents for their child’s private education
Alaskan parents have a legitimate right to choose the school that best fits their children’s needs, even if that is a private school. There is an opportunity, which has been hiding from public view. In 2014, educator and then-State Senator Mike Dunleavy
Pro-abort, LGBTQ group recruits teens to push radical agenda in Homer schools
Homer teens are being actively recruited and trained by radical LGBTQ, pro-abortion and critical race theory activists to provide so-called “peer education” to their fellow students enrolled in the Kenai Peninsula School District. The trainings are
Fairbanks educators want control over students’ moral development
Hard-left administrators presiding over the Fairbanks School District want to use public schools to foster deep philosophical debate over highly controversial issues. Last week, the district asked the school board to approve a policy update that empowers and
Controversial issues spark heated debate at Fairbanks School Board
After a lengthy and heated discussion over whether teachers should be given a mandate to interject controversial issues into Fairbanks classrooms, the Fairbanks School Board unanimously struck down a proposed revision to its policy last week. The conservative
Fairbanks educators want backing to teach ‘controversial issues’ to kids
At its April 19 meeting, the Fairbanks School Board began early consideration of a policy change that would require the district’s superintendent and educational administrators to support teachers who wish to explore controversial issues during classroom