How Sitka teaches discrimination against the ‘dirty & dangerous’ unvaxed
The American Constitution recognizes and upholds inalienable God-given rights. Inalienable rights are those which cannot be taken away. However, it is human nature for one group of people to deny the rights of others. Like all other people, Americans have a
How World Wars begin
Only a madman wants war. Governments, knowing that most of its citizens are not mad, say the right things. Only God can read into the sincerity of hearts, but despite posturing, guarantees and public statements, history shows us that secret agreements,
Do Alaska lawmakers back Covid jab discrimination? Time to go on record
If public hearings are any indication, Alaska Senate Bill 156 enjoys strong support from those who oppose coercive measures that pressure and threaten fellow Alaskans into getting the experimental Covid injections. Introduced by Sen. Lora Reinbold (R-Eagle
Russia beats its own to intimidate strangers
“Beat your own so that strangers are afraid of you.” This is a common Russian expression, which literally means, “beat your friends, so your enemies will be scared of you.” In Russian culture the phrase is often used to condemn someone’s behavior.
OPINION: Will white conservatives take up the mantle of racial justice?
Rev. Martin Luther King, Jr.’s dream has only been partially fulfilled. He had a dream where whites and blacks would lock arms in pursuing the American dream, short of a utopia. MLK had a dream of an America where no one is judged by the color of their skin
Alaskans must oppose bill mandating coverage of abortion pill
The Alaska State House Labor & Commerce Committee was scheduled to consider House Bill 58 on March 2, but the meeting was cancelled and is expected to be rescheduled soon. The bill would take one of the most controversial and litigated components of the
White, Christian conservatives must reclaim the fight for true racial justice
In an inaugural address at the University of St. Andrews in 1867, British philosopher John Stuart Mill said, “Bad men need nothing more to compass their ends, than that good men should look on and do nothing.” It may be recalled that out of the estimated
Alaska’s Vital Interest in Ukraine
At first blush, one might ask why Alaskans should be concerned about Russia’s invasion of Ukraine. Ukraine is not a healthy functioning democracy by western standards. It is not a member of the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO), therefore there is
Dear Sitka Assembly: Abandon the sinking ship of mandatory masking
Masks didn’t work prior to Covid, and don’t work in the age of Covid. That fact has never changed. I don’t fault you for being unable or unwilling to recognize that fact last summer, but now that yesterday’s proponents of masks are jumping their
Poetry is key to grasping the soul of Russian culture
History teaches us that nations, in some ways, are like people. While having many things in common, each is unique. As with people, a nation’s behavior is often understood in terms of the psychological attitudes and style that characterize its personality.