Anchorage protesters hold vigil against all-ages drag show targeting young kids
BY DR. CINDY SENA-MARTINEZ On March 24, roughly a dozen concerned Anchorage residents peacefully assembled outside Cafecito Bonito restaurant in Anchorage to hold a prayer vigil while an all-ages drag queen show occurred inside the restaurant. The protesters
OPINION: Anchorage needs Moore
There is a saying that we get the government we want. If that’s the case, we want a government that is soft on crime, raises our property taxes, raises our rents, keeps pouring more money into our failing schools, and treats homelessness as a virtue rather
OPINION: Equipping Alaska’s Christians to engage, redeem and build culture
Editor’s note: The following article was written as a joint effort between Greg Schmidt, Frank Johnson and Gretchen Moreland. A few mornings ago, I woke up to a text from a friend who shared the following joke. “A priest, at rabbit and a minister walk
Honoring St. Patrick of Ireland: Fearless defender of Truth
Today, many Alaskans are joining the 31 million Americans who claim some degree of Irish ancestry in celebrating Saint Patrick’s Day, which remains one of the most popular holidays in America. While this day is certainly known for its shamrocks, periodic
Chemical abortion: The latest threat to the unborn and their moms
How much longer will women be blinded and exploited by the evil of Planned Parenthood and the abortion industry? The use of chemical abortion pills, also called the DIY or self-managed abortion, is on a significant upward rise, offering a more insidious
EDITORIAL: Tell Dunleavy you support decision to uphold religious freedom in public square
Gov. Mike Dunleavy’s administration is getting orchestrated push back from the mainstream media and radical LGBTQ activists for the recent decision to prohibit the Alaska State Commission on Human Rights from investigating nonprofits and business owners who
Founding member of Covenant House AK details how youth shelter deliberately rejected its faith-based morals
Covenant House Alaska (CHA) was created in early 1987 by the late Anchorage Archbishop Francis T. Hurley of Anchorage and Father Bruce Ritter, a Franciscan priest and President of Covenant House International (CHI). Father Ritter founded Covenant House as a
U.S. watchdog group says no Catholic or pro-lifer should ever support Covenant House
An influential national Catholic research and educational organization – Lepanto Institute – has recently issued a report, warning Catholics and other Christians against supporting Covenant House. Founded in 1972 as shelter for homeless and runaway youth,
OPINION: Can you ‘be there’ to pray when Alaska’s unborn babies are taken to their death?
By MARY KEMPER – (40 Days for Life organizer) This public prayer vigil outside Planned Parenthood runs through Palm Sunday, April 2. Will you stand and pray in witness one hour per week? Will you invite a friend to join you? Perhaps you can get your
OPINION: Alaska joins 20 states in condemning FBI’s animus against traditional Christians
Alaska’s Attorney General Treg Taylor has signed onto a 20-state letter demanding that the FBI reveal the details regarding a recently leaked “anti-Catholic” memo alleging that traditional, conservative Catholics are somehow a threat to