
News and Stories that affect Alaskan faith and its free expression thereof.

Alaska in 2023: Trends, predictions and prescriptions

Editor’s note: This article is adapted from a talk given for the Valley Republican Women of Alaska’s Jan. 19 meeting in Wasilla. I want to address a few major trends and developments in Alaska as they relate to our population, education and political

EDITORIAL: Live without the odor of apology

We are past the point here in Alaska and across the nation where God fearing, freedom loving citizens must firmly resolve to speak and act in accord with perennial truths, and do so without the odor of apology. This goes for parents, students,

In a world at war, we must fight for the truth

The blatant lies of the mainstream media in setting the table for our cultural discourse is always in plain sight. Thus, we find snide references inserting a bias in all sorts of stories. It is so insidious and subtle that even if we notice it, we brush it

When beloved institutions reject their faith-based roots

For better or worse, institutions change over time with the influx and departure of influential board members, presidents and CEOs. Since this process most often occurs gradually, many grassroots supporters don’t notice the changes until they reach a