Endangered Outdoorsmen: Fewer Alaskans buy fishing and hunting licenses
While Alaskans may have a reputation for landing salmon and shooting moose, caribou and bear, the percentage and overall number who purchased resident fishing, hunting or trapping licenses in is markedly lower than it was just 10 years

Denali National Park bridge crew ordered to stop flying American flags
According to the contractor, Denali National Park Superintendent Brooke Merrell contacted the man overseeing the federal highways project, claiming there had been complaints about the U.S. flags, and notifying him that the bridge workers were no longer

Ruling against homeschool expenditures may threaten the Alaska Performance Scholarship
While the state is challenging Superior Court Judge Adolf Zeman’s ruling, the rationale behind his opinion threatens another state-funded program that allows students to spend scholarship money at private and religious colleges throughout

Homeschooler and career tech grad are Alaska’s 2024 U.S. Presidential Scholars
The only two Alaska students to be named 2024 U.S. Presidential Scholars were a homeschooler from Anchorage and a career and technical graduate from the Mat-Su. These students opted to forego the traditional, neighborhood public school model for a more

OPINION: Urban planners erode original intent of our nation’s highway funds
Bicycles and mass transit were not then, and should not be now, incorporated into what is arguably defense-oriented legislation and

OPINION: Butker’s rousing speech represents the death knell for diabolical feminism
Butker dared to tell young women that their fate need not be forever tethered to the diabolical demands that they sacrifice their health, their fertility, their children, and their relationships in order to be happy. He dared to tell young women that their

With only a small fraction of Anchorage support, the Left seizes control of all the land
Once the final tabulation in Anchorage’s mayoral election wraps up, the hard leftists candidate Suzanne LaFrance will likely have earned the vote of less than 14% of Anchorage’s overall residents and about 17% of registered

Trump v. Biden debates set for June 27 and Sept. 10
President Joe Biden and former President Donald Trump have agreed to go head-to-head in two presidential debates. First up is a CNN-hosted event on June 27. The next is Sept. 10 on

Amid Alaska teacher shortage, faith-based college expands mission with certified degrees
Alaska Bible College has embarked on a new mission that includes offering an accredited teaching degree in which graduates are grounded in Christian faith, but also state-certified to teach in public or private schools across the

Hard Left Turn: Conservative Anchorage Mayor Bronson still down 4,907 votes after 2 days counting
Based off election night returns it looks like Anchorage is on the cusp of being entirely in the control of the political left. Former Anchorage Assemblywoman Suzanne LaFrance enjoys a sizable 7,000 vote lead over conservative incumbent Mayor Dave