OPINION: ‘Monkey Trial’ launched the media’s war of science vs. religion
Ninety-eight years ago, the war between science and religion began in American culture in the small Tennessee town of Dayton, labeled “The Bible Belt” by scoffing secular media outlets, whose fictionalized pre-event script of the event was already being

ACLU training Mat-Su teens to be ‘gender expression’ activists in local schools
The ACLU of Alaska, which is now heavily invested in promoting gender confusion and sexual identity experimentation among Alaska’s youth, is hosting a training session this month to enlist Mat-Su teens in promoting the LGBTQ agenda in local schools. The

OPINION: How will you personally defend life and protect freedom?
What’s the value of a human being’s life? How about our freedom? It’s time to seriously think about these questions because they are increasingly under threat. A recent interview with the son of a pastor in Canada is a case in point. His

Take charge: How to stop drag queens from infiltrating next year’s Southeast Alaska Fair
In an effort to expose residents of Haines to the controversial world of drag queens, the Southeast Alaska State Fair paraded six performers on its mainstage last week for an all-ages show. The garish, cross-dressing dancers – wearing heavy makeup and

Alaska Watchman is hiring!
In an effort to expand this unique Alaska-focused, pro-life, pro-liberty and pro-family news agency, the Alaska Watchman is looking to hire an advertising and sales manager to reach out to like-minded business owners, nonprofit agencies and others who might

REPORT: Florida students far outperform Alaska’s
A new report from the Alaska Policy Forum breaks the ongoing struggles of Alaska students and compares them to similarly situated students in Florida who are excelling in academics. The report looks at data from the 2022 National Assessment of Educational

Citizen led committee set to restore accountability in Mat-Su school libraries
The concerted effort to address book controversies in Mat-Su school libraries took a leap forward on Aug. 2 with the school board approving members to serve on a citizens’ library advisory committee. The board also voted to enact a new library policy

Ahead of Alaska trip, detransitioner tells Congress to ban ‘barbaric’ cross-sex mutilation of kids
Influential “detransitioner” Chloe Cole, who is headed to Alaska in August, spoke before the U.S. House Judiciary Committee last week about the barbaric practice of sexually “transitioning” children so they can appear as the opposite sex. Cole,

Alaskans aim to fill Anchorage library as part of national move to combat leftist dogma
In an effort to encourage faith-based and family-friendly content at community libraries across the nation, an Alaska organization has booked the Loussac Library for a virtue-based children’s story hour in Anchorage. Inspired as a reaction against Drag

Report urges specific actions to fix Alaska’s food security challenges
The Alaska Food Strategy Task Force (AFSTF) released the first of two reports with its recommendations on three of its seven assigned focus areas centered on improving food security and independence in Alaska. AFSTF Chair, Senator Shelley Hughes, applauded