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Mario Bird Justice Video Cover

7.20 > Alaska Justice

Remember that scene in “As Good As It Gets,” when Jack Nicholson wants to pay Helen Hunt a compliment, and it takes an absurdly long time to do so? I’d like to pay the same sort of compliment to Democrats. Democrats used to be known as the party of

7.15 > Vaccinated or Protected?

Paid reasearch poll after paid research poll are asking Alaskans to (in this latest round from Ivan Moore) “Let us have it” tell us why you MatSu residents are not vaccinating. I don’t know the sum total of money spent bribing people ten
Bord Student pic

Our education crisis is more social than academic

Education and knowledge translate into power. Education does not parallel economics or politics, but is the soul of society, and more fundamental than these others. Education determines people’s moral values, appearance, eating habits, the role of citizens;