After court-ordered signature recount, ranked-choice repeal question still qualifies for Nov. ballot
Alaska’s Division of Elections has confirmed that there are more than enough qualified signatures on the ballot initiative aimed at repealing ranked choice voting. After battling a months-long lawsuit aimed at blocking the repeal question from this

Will Anchorage’s hard Left restore ‘strong mayor’ powers now that they command City Hall?
When the fawning tributes subside in the next few weeks, newly-elected Anchorage Mayor Suzanne LaFrance will face an important question: will she restore the traditional executive powers of Anchorage mayor, or will she permit the Anchorage Assembly to

Alaska now has 3,492 electric vehicles on the road, but future gowth is uncertain
According to a new report from Alliance for Automotive Innovation, Alaska now has 3,492 total electric vehicles (EV) on the road, with 119 publicly available charging outlets. That amounts to 29 EVs for every public

Internal emails show Denali Park head backed banning U.S. flags from trucks on park road
Internal emails show Denali Park Superintendent backed banning U.S. flags from construction trucks on park

Ruling expected soon to decide whether Alaskans can vote to repeal ranked-choice voting
Earlier this month a Superior Court trial wrapped up in a key case that may well decide whether Alaskans get a shot at repealing the state’s highly controversial ranked choice voting

OPINION: Democratic Party at the Crossroads
Playing out before our eyes are “chickens coming home to roost” for the Democratic Party. It is a dangerous time. The last time the Democratic Party came apart we entered the horrific War Between the

Stripped down GOP draft platform affirms constitutional right to life, drops call for federal abortion ban
Under the proposed platform, the RNC would affirm that the 14th Amendment “guarantees that no person can be denied life or liberty without due process and that the states are, therefore, free to pass laws protecting those rights.” This would include

North Slope Borough sues Biden admin over environmental rule that threatens Native culture
North Slope Borough sues Biden admin over environmental rule that threatens Native

OPINION: Pro-lifers, the American constitutions and the Union
For decades now, pro-lifers have prayed for the repeal of Roe v. Wade, with prayers fulfilled through the U.S. Supreme Court's 2022 Dobbs decision. But also fulfilled was that voice inside our popular culture that sometimes jokingly says, “Be careful that

Alaska sues Biden administration for billions in lost revenue from canceled oil, gas leases
Alaska has filed suit in U.S. Court of Federal Claims to recover lost revenues from nine canceled federal oil and gas leases covering lands on the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge’s Coastal