Search Results for: Dl with

OPINION: The sweet lies of organized Crime in D.C. & Juneau

Lies are believed because they taste good. The truth is detested because it is sour. We now can safely assume that the default position of citizens should be that most of what comes out of both the federal and Alaska government are sweet-tasting lies. We

Alaska wants public input on draft policy for police body cams

The Alaska Department of Public Safety has released a draft copy of its body worn camera policy for public feedback. The new policy will govern the use of body cameras, personal audio recorders, and dash cameras. Money for the proposed policy comes

OPINION: Another Prolife “Victory”?

Who is Mark Houck? He’s a person who was doing what I was doing here in Alaska when I was his age: spending time, a lot of time, in front of abortion clinics. There are several ways to save an unborn child’s life: block the doors, thus preventing entry;