Search Results for: Dl with

Sex trafficking

Former sex-ed teacher says deceptive material harms kids

As a former so-called “comprehensive” sex-education teacher, I have come to understand that there are two major hindrances for young people in the area of sexual decision making. First, youth lack an appreciation of their intrinsic

Dr. Anne Zink’s family link to population control

The term “population control” too often deals in the abstract. A more honest assessment would redefine the term. “People control” or “government reproductive control” is more accurate. In today’s Brave New World of Covid hype and fear, the

It’s ‘Let’s Go Brandon’ not ‘We Want Trump’

If it looks like it’s going to be close enough, Democrats will make plans to steal Presidential elections. This is especially true when they roundly despise the Republican candidate. They loathed “Tricky Dick” Nixon in 1960, and in 2020 they