Dunleavy urges quick legislative action on constitutional amendment to secure PFD
With the fist Special Session of the Alaska Legislature set to end in a little over a week, Gov. Mike Dunleavy is pressing lawmakers to act on his proposed constitutional amendment, SJR 6, which aims to protect the Alaska Permanent Fund and future payouts to

Governor must choose from list of three liberal attorneys to fill Alaska Supreme Court seat
Once again, thanks to the way Alaska seats judges, a conservative leaning Alaska governor will be forced to appoint a liberal justice to the Alaska Supreme Court. Following a well-established pattern, the small but powerful Alaska Judicial Council has yet

Want to offer an opinion on who should be Alaska’s next Supreme Court justice?
The small but extremely powerful seven-member Alaska Judicial Council will hold a public hearing on May 24, at noon, to let the public offer non-binding opinions regarding the worthiness of applicants for the Alaska Supreme Court vacancy. These are

Dunleavy order: No vaccine passports required to travel around Alaska
Gov. Mike Dunleavy issued an administrative order on April 26 stating that the State of Alaska will not mandate vaccine passports for those traveling to or around Alaska. The order clarifies that it is not intended to supersede any laws or rights that local

2020 marks fewest abortions Alaska has ever recorded
For the past 18 years, Alaska has tracked annual abortions in the state. The 1,206 reported in 2020 are the fewest ever recorded. Between 2003 and 2009, there were around 1,860 abortions performed annually in Alaska. Those numbers began to steadily decline

Alaska halts Johnson & Johnson vaccines due to dangerous blood clotting identified by CDC
Due to reports of dangerous blood clotting in the brain associated with the Johnson & Johnson COVID vaccine, the CDC has recommended an immediate pause on using the experimental shot which, like all other COVID vaccines, has only been approved for

Alaska Native corporation mandates employees get COVID shot by Aug. 1
Employees of the Bering Straits Native Corporation (BSNC), including those who work for its many subsidiary companies across Alaska, must submit to a COVID vaccination by Aug. 1. Those who refuse will be place on unpaid leave while their employment status is

Governor’s Prayer Breakfast is back, featuring modern-day Indiana Jones
After taking last year off due to COVID concerns, the annual Governor’s Prayer Breakfast returns March 27 to provide an opportunity for Alaskans to pray for Gov. Mike Dunleavy This year’s event will be held at the Menard Sports Center in Wasilla. The

Conference will train AK librarians to advance radical identity politics
If the topics and speakers for the upcoming Alaska Library Association Conference are any indication, local librarians are being strategically trained and recruited to advance a litany of hard-left cultural and political aims. The Alaska Library Association

Sen. Reinbold says Gov. Dunleavy’s letter aims to ‘intimidate those who question him’
Sen. Lora Reinbold (R-Eagle River) held a March 4 press conference in which she addressed a scathing letter which Gov. Mike Dunleavy sent Feb. 18 accusing her of abusing her public office by mischaracterizing his administration’s response to COVID-19.