Search Results for: He state.

Breaking down how the State of Alaska spends its money

By Quinn Townsend – (Alaska Policy Forum) Alaska Policy Forum’s annual Budget Blocks are a simple, straightforward way to visualize how Alaska is spending its money and from which funds that money is coming. The size of each block corresponds to the

With 29 Alaska judges on the ballot, only one vote matters

We’ve been inundated with questions about how to vote on the long list of 29 Alaska judges up for retention this year. Like past elections, there is precious little information about these men and women, and that’s by design. While the Alaska Judicial

Exposing the false dichotomy between faith and government

Those who shout loudest about “separation of church and state” are doing it in the exact opposite spirit that the term’s originator once did. Thomas Jefferson was out to protect the church from the state, not the other way around. For good reason, the