Sen. Hughes urges Alaska Senate Republicans to honor voters’ intent & form a ruling majority
Alaska’s current State Senate Majority Leader Shelley Hughes (R-Palmer) is urging Republicans to stick together and form a Republican controlled majority caucus for the upcoming legislative session. With the State Senate expected to be narrowly divided

Weeks before Alaska’s Covid jab rollout, Dr. Zink admitted ‘we just don’t have the safety data’
A November 2020 email thread obtained by the Watchman shows that Alaska’s Chief Medical Officer Dr. Anne Zink admitted, just weeks before the rollout of the experimental Covid jabs, that she did not have enough data to be able to weigh in, one way or

FACT CHECK: AK Beacon won’t admit that homeschool growth has districts reeling
Last month, the Alaska Beacon published a long article about the financial woes impacting several large school districts across the state. The writers noted that Fairbanks and Anchorage are closing schools and laying off teachers due to massive budget

Breaking down how the State of Alaska spends its money
By Quinn Townsend – (Alaska Policy Forum) Alaska Policy Forum’s annual Budget Blocks are a simple, straightforward way to visualize how Alaska is spending its money and from which funds that money is coming. The size of each block corresponds to the

With 29 Alaska judges on the ballot, only one vote matters
We’ve been inundated with questions about how to vote on the long list of 29 Alaska judges up for retention this year. Like past elections, there is precious little information about these men and women, and that’s by design. While the Alaska Judicial

Priest urges Alaska Christians to boldly bring faith into the public square on Nov. 8th
Father Frank Pavone, founder of the national Priests for Life organization is once again weighing in on Alaska’s upcoming midterm elections. In August Pavone wrote a column for the Watchman in which he urged pro-life and Catholic voters in Alaska to vote

Dr. Zink wants massive surveillance, admits officials made Covid policy ‘without the data’
Dr. Anne Zink is a formidable and controversial player when it comes to directing public healthcare policy both in Alaska and across the nation. As Alaska’s chief medical officer, she has enthusiastically and relentlessly pushed pro-Covid jab messaging.

Exposing the false dichotomy between faith and government
Those who shout loudest about “separation of church and state” are doing it in the exact opposite spirit that the term’s originator once did. Thomas Jefferson was out to protect the church from the state, not the other way around. For good reason, the

Alaska health officials say parents hinder their ability to get LGBTQ sex info on teens
A few weeks after agreeing not to ask Alaska teens controversial questions about their gender identity and sexual orientation, some of Alaska’s leading health officials and state partners are now brainstorming ways to uncover this information without

Direct Primary Care can empower patients & cut Alaska’s health care costs
By Aubrey Wursten – Alaska Policy Forum Alaska consistently suffers from the highest health care spending per capita of any state. Multiple factors contribute to this problem, but easing Alaska’s restrictions on direct primary