Search Results for: alt 700

Palmer mask mandate defeated after overwhelming public outcry

After listening to 20 hours of public testimony from more than 700 Mat-Su residents over a three day period, the Palmer City Council voted down a citywide mask mandate, 4-3, on Dec. 4. Nearly 70% of comments – both in-person and written – opposed the idea

Background on Alaska judges who are up for election

On Nov. 3, Alaskans will vote to either retain or remove 22 judges from across the state. This is the only time residents have any say over who sits on the bench. Unfortunately, most voters know very little of the judges before they head to the polls. The
Jesse Lee Home 3

Lawsuit filed to save historic home of Alaska flag

The non-profit Friends of Jesse Lee Home filed suit against the City of Seward in superior court, charging the home rule city with inverse condemnation, bad faith, and unfair dealing in its decision to demolish the historic home of the Alaska State flag. The