Search Results for: apt ste la gi

Transgender talk

Anchorage apologetics group to unpack transgenderism

Anchorage-based Wisdom Apologetics is hosting the third and final part of its “Candid Conversations on Gender & Sexuality” series on Wednesday, Aug 10. Organizer Chris Gonzalez said the series has seen a great response in the first two presentations,

Tell Sen. Sullivan he must stand for truth & defend marriage

Last week the U.S. House voted to follow the Supreme Court of the United States in redefining “marriage.” Now, Senator Chuck Schumer is threatening to bring up the misnamed “Respect for Marriage Act” in the Senate. Shockingly, he may be close to

National Right to Life endorses Palin for Congress

National Right to Life has endorsed Sarah Palin for the Aug. 16 special election to replace the late U.S. Congressman Don Young. “Governor Palin is a champion for unborn children and their mothers,” said Carol Tobias, president of National Right to