Anchorage educators defend reading book about cross-sex drugs, trans-surgery to 4th graders
Editor’s note: The following article details the ongoing two-year bureaucratic saga that an Anchorage family has faced in unsuccessfully imploring the Anchorage School District to stop reading a book about transgenderism to elementary age students. It’s

Grassroots push to hand count all Mat-Su Borough elections gains traction
Brian Endle, who is running for Mat-Su Borough Assembly, is on a mission to ensure that all votes in Mat-Su Borough elections are hand counted. He’s part of an coalition of concerned citizens who want to do away with Dominion voting machines for all borough

Struggling AK schools need flexible choices, better teachers, transparency
By Aubrey Wursten – Alaska Policy Forum Statistics consistently illustrate the benefits of increased parental involvement in their children’s education, and Alaska Policy Forum supports measures to improve this engagement. The Center

Anchorage apologetics group to unpack transgenderism
Anchorage-based Wisdom Apologetics is hosting the third and final part of its “Candid Conversations on Gender & Sexuality” series on Wednesday, Aug 10. Organizer Chris Gonzalez said the series has seen a great response in the first two presentations,

Catholic deacon: In backing abortion, Sen. Murkowski opposes Christ & his Church
Jesus taught in truth and lived out of love – period – because he is love. It is out of love and concern for the soul of U.S. Sen. Lisa Murkowski, and those of the same mindset, that I write this column. Jesus was the most radical defender of

Tell Sen. Sullivan he must stand for truth & defend marriage
Last week the U.S. House voted to follow the Supreme Court of the United States in redefining “marriage.” Now, Senator Chuck Schumer is threatening to bring up the misnamed “Respect for Marriage Act” in the Senate. Shockingly, he may be close to

National Right to Life endorses Palin for Congress
National Right to Life has endorsed Sarah Palin for the Aug. 16 special election to replace the late U.S. Congressman Don Young. “Governor Palin is a champion for unborn children and their mothers,” said Carol Tobias, president of National Right to

Bill Walker ‘very supportive’ of Murkowski – doesn’t regret cutting PFDs
In a July 26 radio interview on the Tom Anderson Show, former Alaska Gov. Bill Walker, who’s now attempting to reclaim the governor’s seat he lost in 2018, said supports U.S. Sen. Lisa Murkowski and has no problem with the controversial new ranked-choice

Leftist attacks on Mayor Bronson born of a wider constitutional free-for-all
When asked, “Where in the constitution is there authorization for Obama Care?” Nancy Pelosi’s infamous reply was “Are you serious? Are you serious?” As if, “No reasonable person asks questions like that anymore.” The same can be asked of:

Anchorage Mayor Bronson notes triumphs & mistakes from 1st year in office
Since I took office last year on July 1, significant progress and advancement have been made on the priorities established at the onset of my administration. When it comes to public safety, economic development, the Port of Alaska, homelessness, property