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At the crossroads, Alaskans let freedom roll!

Alaskans from the Kenai Peninsula, Anchorage, Eagle River, Mat-Su and Fairbanks areas took to the highways and byways on Sunday in a massive display of support for medical freedom against crippling and coercive Covid mandates. Driving big rigs, trucks and

Russia and the New World Disorder

The world is becoming an increasingly dangerous place.  While China remains the biggest threat to long term global stability, the new Russian Bear expansion quest in Europe is the tinderbox that could ignite a global conflict and have dramatic impact on

Pro-life clinic to help Alaskans reverse chemical abortions

Every week, roughly nine Alaska women ingest a powerful chemical concoction which first kills and then aborts their unborn babies. In order to kill the developing human life, two pills must be taken. The first contains mifepristone, which blocks progesterone,