Search Results for: discuss culture

Marxism’s connection to ‘white privilege’ doctrine

The privilege many hard-working people have enjoyed in our country is because they applied themselves diligently regardless of their color, gender, ethnicity or race. Today, in America, opportunity is available to nearly everyone. Maybe that was not so true
Poetry quill writing pic

Languages reflect our nature as being male and female

The destruction of the arts and beauty seen in the degradation of post-modern culture is also manifested in languages. Each language is a mystery. Any analysis of them shows marvelous nuances, lyrical phonetics, unexpected exceptions and poetic words unique
Black man prays

‘Can we ever pull the weed of racism out?

Minneapolis Police Officer Derek Chauvin’s murder of George Floyd has caused us once again as a culture, a country and as a community to reel back and contemplate how this kind of evil can still be in our midst. For a police officer with 17 complaints
COVID vaccine pic

Fundamental liberties in the face of mandatory vaccinations

You may have seen a recent interview with Alan Dershowitz – a Harvard Law School emeritus professor – stating that government has the right to forcibly vaccinate citizens in order to stop the spread of a disease and protect public safety. This, he claims,
Separation of Church State pic

‘Separation of church and state’ isn’t what you think

A growing percentage of people believe it’s a good thing if church and church people steer clear from anything resembling politics. They believe that the separation of church and state dictates that people of faith should keep their beliefs to themselves.
Upcoming events

Upcoming events to foster Alaska’s common good

This list of events is provided to give Alaskans some concrete ways to celebrate their faith, assist neighbors in need and work for Alaska’s common good. To add an event to this list, please send us an email at PRO-LIFE PREGNANCY
Upcoming events

Taking action: Ways to work for Alaska’s common good

This list of events is provided to give Alaskans some concrete ways to celebrate their faith, assist neighbors in need and work for Alaska’s common good. To add an event to this list, please send us an email at LIVE OUTDOOR