Palmer Chamber continues woke ‘rebranding’ of historic Mat-Su celebrations
Months after renaming the annual “Colony Christmas” celebration to “Hometown Holidays,” the Palmer Chamber of Commerce announced that it has now “rebranded” the historic “Colony Days” event to “Braided River Festival.” Beginning this June

Cliff Murray drops campaign to avoid diluting conservative vote
In an effort to avoid diluting the conservative vote, Anchorage School Board candidate Cliff Murray has suspended his campaign in the current mail-in election and thrown his support behind fellow conservative Mark Anthony Cox. Cox is attempting to unseat

Alaska’s leading political figures react to passing of Don Young
Alaska leading political figures have issued the following statements after learning that U.S. Congressman Don Young had passed away on March 18 at the age of 88. He was the longest serving member of the U.S. House of Representatives and the Dean of the

Abortion business wants these Anchorage candidates to do their bidding
Planned Parenthood, the largest single provider of abortions in Alaska, has issued its endorsements for five far-left candidates in the upcoming April 5 Anchorage election. In offering its recommendations, Planned Parenthood noted that it wants politicians

Dunleavy calls on Legislature to issue ‘immediate’ $3,700 PFD to Alaskans
With unexpected oil revenue flooding the state coffers to the tune of a $3.6 billion increased revenue forecast over this year and next year, Gov. Mike Dunleavy is calling on lawmakers in Juneau to issue $3,700 Permanent Fund Dividends to all eligible

Anchorage School Board candidates’ share views on CRT, parental rights, sex-ed, LGBT issues, homeschool & more
In an effort to find out where Anchorage School Board candidates stand on some of the most controversial and critical issues facing public schools, the Watchman sent survey questions to each of the eight candidates running for two seats on the Anchorage

White, Christian conservatives must reclaim the fight for true racial justice
In an inaugural address at the University of St. Andrews in 1867, British philosopher John Stuart Mill said, “Bad men need nothing more to compass their ends, than that good men should look on and do nothing.” It may be recalled that out of the estimated

Alaska aims to fix chronic ‘challenges’ regarding death reporting
To address ongoing problems regarding accurate and timely death reporting, the Alaska Department of Health and Social Services (DHSS) is looking to train those who are involved with filling out death certificates. The state is currently seeking quotes from

Poetry is key to grasping the soul of Russian culture
History teaches us that nations, in some ways, are like people. While having many things in common, each is unique. As with people, a nation’s behavior is often understood in terms of the psychological attitudes and style that characterize its personality.

Alaska VA refuses veterans an alternative to opioids, class action lawsuit looms
Alaska’s Veterans Affairs (VA) office is refusing to cover an effective, non-opioid treatment for veteran soldiers who now live in prolonged and excruciating pain. This is the experience of Alaska surgeons and medical device suppliers who have grown