Search Results for: endo z

5.17 > Shooting up our Kids

Alaska’s government vaccine enthusiasts are pulling out all stops to pressure parents into letting them jab children with the experimental Pfizer COVID shot. On May 10, the FDA expanded emergency use authorization of the Pfizer shot for children ages 12 and
Angry protest

This woke identity nightmare is eating America from within

Setting aside religious, ethnic, racial and social differences to achieve a greater good was once considered an American hallmark and the envy and wonder of the Old World. Creating the “American Melting Pot” wasn’t without colossal struggle and

Former Anchorage strip club transformed into a house of God

Patrons of the old Fantasies on Fifth strip joint in Anchorage probably never imagined that their den of iniquity would one day be transformed into a house of God. The story of how that happened involves an inspired Vietnamese woman, a real estate agent

Corinthians Wiley takes a bold stand for black Alaskans

Corinthians Wiley is not for sale. The towering 37-year-old Anchorage local dismisses with casual ease the trendy narratives of victimization among his fellow black Americans, as he unpacks the trajectory of his life cast across generations of strife and