Climate alarmists demand electric company finally shutter Alaska’s largest clean coal-fired plant
A group of extreme climate alarmists is pulling out all stops to get the Golden Valley Electric Association (GVEA) to finally shutter Alaska’s largest clean coal fired powerplant – Healy 2. Last year, the GVEA board voted to decommission the plant by the

Pope Francis taps decorated military chaplain as next bishop of Fairbanks
Pope Francis has named Dominican order priest Father Steven Maekawa as the next bishop of the vast Fairbanks Diocese in Northern Alaska. Father Maekawa most recently served a pastor of Holy Family Old Cathedral in Anchorage, where he has been stationed since

OPINION: In an uncertain world, Alaskans must move toward food independence
Here in Nenana, agricultural land has been opened up and we have had several meetings about the use of the land and the ideas people have for it. Personally, as long as the farmers don’t destroy the environment with pesticides, I’m all for it.

OPINON: America is likely beyond saving
The American union is likely beyond saving through either politics or religion. I don’t enjoy saying that. The disconnect is too far gone. You can neither reason nor argue with a madman, a mob or a monkey. The mainstream media censors everything and accuses

Nearly 20% of all state legislative censures occurred in 2023
State legislatures seem to be increasingly cracking down on their fellow elected officials according to a new report by Ballotpedia, which shows that six of the 31 state legislative censures over the past 185 years have occurred in the past six months. That

Former Alaska judge charged with felony perjury in packed Kenai courthouse
On June 23, former Alaska District Judge Margaret Murphy pleaded “not guilty” to a class B felony perjury charge during her arraignment in the crowded Kenai Courthouse. If convicted she faces up to 10 years in jail and a fine of up to $100,000. Murphy

Alaska’s top federal prosecutor assures gay pride crowd that she will fight ‘noncriminal’ bias
Alaska’s top federal prosecutor tells gay pride crowd she aims to confront ‘noncriminal acts of

Alaska parental rights advocates labeled as ‘hate groups’ by leftist Southern Poverty Law Center
Alaska parental rights advocates are labeled as ‘hate groups’ by the hard leftist Southern Poverty Law

Mat-Su grows ever stronger as Anchorage falters
The Mat-Su Borough’s four-decade-long growth doesn’t look to be waning anytime soon, even as its southern neighbor struggles. According to a June report from the Alaska Dept. of Labor, the Mat-Su is the only area of the state with consistent positive net

Ketchikan library’s refusal to move teen sex book prompts special city council meeting on June 22
Ketchikan library’s refusal to move teen sex book prompts special city council meeting on June