Search Results for: people power

Wealth and power are not synonyms for ‘greed’

Recently, I had a discussion with a young American in her late 20s about current events in our country. Let’s call her Rebecca in order to protect her anonymity. It did not take long for me to recognize Rebeca’s leftism — Christopher Columbus exploited
Alaska Voters

We must clarify that the people own Alaska

Every 10 years, in accordance with the State Constitution, Alaska voters must be asked an important question. Article 13, Section 3: Call by Referendum If during any ten-year period a constitutional convention has not been held, the lieutenant governor shall

As China grows ever more powerful, Alaska must act shrewdly

In the 1930’s the United States watched as Adolf Hitler built a powerful military force in open defiance to the Treaty of Versailles, which had limited the size and type of the German military in the wake of World War I. Hitler started the great cleansing.