Activists aim to use Fairbanks ‘climate plan’ to impose radical green agenda
A coalition of climate alarmists and critical race theory advocates are looking to use the still emerging Fairbanks North Star Borough’s Climate Action and Adaptation Plan to impose contentious environmental plans on area residents. The Fairbanks Borough is

Ridding Anchorage library of transgender child propaganda takes a joint effort
A concerned mom contacted the Alaska Watchman the other day to inform us that the Anchorage Loussac Library was prominently displaying a children’s picture book that promotes transgender fluidity to young kids. The book, “Jack (Not Jackie),” sat atop a
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An Alaska Constitutional Convention: How to choose delegates? (part 3)
The U.S. Constitution’s famous preamble begins with “We the People of the United States.” That opening line was controversial then and remains so today. It presumed a homogenous, uniform people belonging to a single nation. It obscured the role of the

Critical Race Theory is ridiculous, but banning it won’t fix our schools
Critical race theory is a worldview in direct conflict with our long-held principles of enlightenment thought that helped us progress into the modern era. Critical race theory questions the very concept of objective reasoning and egalitarianism among all

How long will pro-life Alaskans endure token political gestures?
Prolife voters have remained loyal supporters of the Republican Party for decades and, apart from local and token legislation in heavily prolife states, have achieved truly little in exchange for being the largest single-issue voting bloc in American

Anchorage School Board candidates’ views on parent rights, curriculum debates, low test scores, sex-ed, gender ID
Anchorage education is in crisis. Test scores are dismal, many students are struggling with school closures and virtual classrooms, and radical social ideologies are creeping into the curriculum. The Watchman sent a survey to each candidate running for school

Wasilla mayoral candidates weigh in on hot-button social issues
On Oct. 6, three candidates are vying to become the next mayor of Wasilla – Stu Graham, Glenda Ledford and Doug Holler. Alaska Watchman sent a political questionnaire to all three candidates in order to get their views on pressing social issues such as

Palmer City Council candidate Linda Combs reflects on key social issues
Editor’s note: We sent survey questions to all three candidates running for two seats on the Palmer City Council. Every candidate (including Sabrena Combs who is running for re-election, and newcomer Brian Daniels) confirmed receipt of the survey, but only

Eastman vs. Sumner for Alaska House: Here’s where they stand
In the race for the Alaska House seat in District 10 (Wasilla), the Alaska Watchman is not making any endorsements. In order to give voters a better idea of how the candidates differ, we sent questions to both incumbent Rep. David Eastman and his Republican