The following news briefs are provided to alert Alaskans of upcoming opportunities to make a pro-life and pro-family impact in Alaska.
After spending 25 years serving in a former Soviet gulag town, Father Michael Shields will bring a unique pro-life perspective to an upcoming event in Anchorage.
Shields spent decades working with Russian women who suffered after choosing abortion. His presentation will provide a step-by-step explanation of the pro-life position for any audience – religious or secular. The talk will look at how to simplify the pro-life philosophy and show why it is scientifically and philosophically sound. It will also address how to answer some of the major objections to the pro-life position. Shields maintains that anyone can speak confidently about the pro-life position if offered some basic training.
Hosted by the Anchorage chapter of Catholics United for the Faith, the event is free and open to the public. It will take place Oct. 24 in the upper room banquet hall at Gallo’s Mexican Restaurant in Anchorage (8615 Old Seward Hwy.). The talk begins at 7 p.m. with doors opening at 6:30 p.m. for those who wish to order food and drinks. The evening will include a 45-minute presentation, followed by a question and answer session until 8:30 p.m.
Project Rachel is a confidential support group for post-abortive women and others who have been impacted by abortion. This ministry of the Archdiocese of Anchorage is open to all faith backgrounds and is free and open to the public. For more information, call the group’s confidential phone line at 297-7781 or toll-free (866) 434-3344.
On Thursday, Oct. 24, ParentalRights.org will launch a White House petition urging President Donald Trump to use his influence to push the Parental Rights Amendment in Congress. The proposed amendment would specifically add parental rights in the text of the U.S. Constitution, protecting the liberty of parents to direct the upbringing, education, and care of their children is a fundamental right. The amendment would also protect parents’ rights to choose, as an alternative to public education, private, religious, or home schools, and the right to make reasonable choices within public schools for one’s child.
Once the petition goes live, the group will have 30 days to gain 100,000 signatures. If they reach that mark by the deadline, the Trump Administration has committed to at least respond to the request. The ultimate aim is to force Congress to take up the issue of parental rights and to awaken the nation, to the need for strong parental rights. For additional information, email cory@parentalrights.org.
The pro-life Community Pregnancy Center in Anchorage has received a new ultrasound machine to assist pregnant Alaskan women. As part of the machine’s installation, nurses receive three days of training. During that time, the center needs pregnant mothers to volunteer as “models” who allow nurses to peek at their babies. The center especially needs to do ultrasounds on very small babies, but nurses practice their skills on unborn babies of any age. The ultrasound was provided by a local council of the Knights of Columbus, a pro-life Catholic men’s organization.
“We are grateful to the many donors and regular supporters who help us on a daily basis,” the said Mary Healy, clinical director for CPC Anchorage. “And to the Knights of Columbus who have been instrumental in making the new machine a reality.”
Ultrasound volunteers are needed Oct. 23-24 for 30-minute appointments. Those interested can call Healy at (907) 360-3675 or email cpc.nurse.mary@gmail.com. The CPC also needs to feed nurses and staff during the training sessions. Local church groups are invited to cook and provide lunch for 12 people on either Oct. 23 or Oct. 24. For more information, contact Healy.
Adult and Teen Challenge, a faith-based, residential discipleship program for those suffering from addictions, is holding its annual fundraiser later this month. The group works to restore hope to those who suffer from addiction as well as other serious, life-controlling issues.
“We help people to become mentally sound, emotionally balanced, socially adjusted, physically well, and spiritually alive,” the group’s website explains.
The year-long residential program provides a faith-based education that allows the outreach to present numerous topics that expose, challenge, and direct men and women out of their addictions and into their recovery, while earning a certificate of graduation. Participants also take part in various vocational training activities, including pursuing certification in multiple departments.
The upcoming gala is the group’s premier fundraising event, celebrating freedom from addiction and generating support for the students currently in its programs. The gala begins at 6 p.m. on Saturday, Oct. 19. Doors open at 5 p.m. for registration and silent auction. The dinner and auction event will be at ChangePoint in Anchorage (6689 Changepoint Drive). Tickets are $100 per seat, or $800 for a table of eight. Click here for more information.