
Announcement news boy

A major announcement will be made today regarding a candidate for Anchorage mayor.

The news will be delivered at the start of the protest rally outside the Anchorage Assembly chambers at 4:30 p.m.

Notice of the pending announcement was made via email by Bernadette Wilson, who is serving as campaign chair for the yet unknown candidate.

Wilson has been instrumental in organizing rallies and protests over the past few months. She has worked to pull off a Memorial Day celebration after Anchorage Mayor Ethan Berkowitz refused to hold a city sponsored celebration. She also helped coordinate several protests of the mayor’s COVID-19 orders which have crippled local businesses.

“I’ve been asked several times over the last few months who I would support for Mayor of Anchorage,” Wilson stated on Facebook. “As a city, we have been drug through hell and back. And a giant has awakened. We have rallied around City Hall demanding they “Open Alaska.” We the people paid tribute to our troops on Memorial Day. We rallied to “Back the Blue“ and spent countless hours testifying at Assembly meetings and waiting to testify some more. Then we were locked out and found ourselves chanting on the grass to “Let us in.” Through it all, one person I know has been there, shoulder to shoulder, standing with us. One person whose voice rang loud and clear testifying at those assembly meetings. One person, I am proud to stand with again tomorrow as an announcement is made for the next mayor of Anchorage … stay tuned Anchorage!”

Tonight’s rally will be stationed outside the Loussac Library where the Anchorage Assembly holds their regular meetings.

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Conservative running for Anchorage mayor to announce candidacy at tonight’s protest rally

Joel Davidson
Joel is Editor-in-Chief of the Alaska Watchman. Joel is an award winning journalist and has been reporting for over 24 years, He is a proud father of 8 children, and lives in Palmer, Alaska.