Republican U.S. Sen. Dan Sullivan takes on challenger and Democratic nominee Al Gross during a candidate forum today at noon.
Hosted by KSRM Radio and the Kenai and Soldotna Chambers of Commerce, the event will be live on KSRM 920 AM and streamed online at radiokenai.com. It will be moderated by Merrill Sikorski and aired without commercial breaks.
According to a notice for the forum, it will proceed as follows.
- Preliminary greetings.
- Candidates have two minutes to introduce themselves.
- Candidates answer questions provided by Soldotna and Kenai Chamber of Commerce with each candidate having 90 seconds to respond to every question.
Chamber forums typically focus on the economy and business interests. Candidates are being asked to avoid personal attacks. If one takes place, the moderator will give the candidate who has been attacked 30 seconds to respond.
Each man has one minute for closing remarks at the end of the one-hour debate.