Alexis De Tocqueville visited America 190 years ago to discover what special ideals had allowed the birth of the American experiment. Like a prophet, he declared the American experiment would collapse if it lost the glue that held it together. That bond, and witness to a higher authority than man has indeed been decaying for decades and like a festering illness, the patient is on life support. What is that glue? What is the virtuous bond that created the freest, best system of government ever attempted in all the world?
1 Comment
Love… absolutely love your remarks; well spoken & put together concerning the strength of America; adhearing to God’s principles of right morality one to another; giving unto God that which is rightfully His. Thank you for your investment into this informative & upright news that should have all conservatively minded adults standing strongly against oppressive ideology & speaking up to those political elites who would hold us hostage for their own agendas.