Thinking back during childhood, what memories come to mind? Perhaps flashes of bike riding, competing in a favorite sport or playing tag with friends. Growing up in rural Alaska, some of my first memories are of four-wheeler riding with my older brother and playing outside.
Naturally, most people do not associate young children as sexual beings. However, sexual preference and gender identity ideology is rapidly permeating our society. Gender dysphoria is now promoted from the top-down levels of government and scholarly academia. Planned Parenthood’s website attempts to educate parents in this endeavor by providing guidelines for preschoolers (ages 3-5 years old) on the topics of sex and sexuality: “So do your best to address sex and masturbation in a way that’s positive (or neutral), matter-of-fact, and encourages them to come to you with questions in the future.”
As a parent, the thought of talking to a preschooler about sex is abominable. The only possible scenario to imagine is when defining a predator so that the unknowing child understands physical boundaries.
Bravely opposing the wave of cunning debauchery that was showcased at the Alaska Native Heritage Center will prevent the rewrite of our past…
Recently, the Alaska Native Heritage Center hosted a taxpayer sponsored event where three drag queens performed in front of children and families. The children present were preschool age kiddos and up. At the start of the event, one of the drag queens asked the crowd of toddlers and young children, “Does anyone know what bisexual means?” We cannot hear the child’s response but he or she is praised by the drag queen on the answer.
Merriam-Webster defines bisexuality as: “of, relating to, or characterized by sexual or romantic attraction to people of one’s same sex and of the opposite sex.” How have we come to such a sick and deranged place in asking children questions of this nature? Biologically, children do not have the physical, emotional, or mental capacity to understand such a query. So, what is the motive behind this sexual indoctrination?
Normalizing sexual expression in children is becoming more and more widespread. Recently, the Washington Post published an article entitled, “Yes, Kink Belongs at Pride. And I Want My Kids to See It.” This grotesque literary piece publicly and unashamedly endorsed sexual fetish fantasy displayed to young children. The next stop on this crazy train is pedophilia, and it’s getting there fast.
Another public display, less remarkable but also telling, was the twirling of white gloves. During the Drag Queen Story Hour, one of the performers had trouble turning the pages of the reading book. As he removed his gloves he twirled one, alluding to a parallel of a strip tease. The simple fact is, these queens’ nightly vocation is much more amorous than that of a story hour for children. The carryover of enticement is anticipated. Audience participation in egging him on is proof of this.
Bravely opposing the wave of cunning debauchery that was showcased at the Alaska Native Heritage Center will not only prevent the rewrite of our past but the societal influence of the future.
Another great article, Katrina. I couldn’t agree more.
Absolutely Spot on time for Christians to stand up !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Don’t limit it to Christians; everyone needs to stand up to this perversion.
Thank you for standing up for children! The presentation in front of and to children and familiesby drag queens was an abomination. I am appalled!!
Any parent that took their child to this event is no fit to be a parent.
Your soooooo right
That is exactly the most troubling part —- what kind of parents are these people??? What other abuse or debauchery are these children subjected to by these parents???
Excellent article! Note to one spirit warriors, some of us don’t use Facebook, there are other social media venues, spread it far and wide and keep up the good work!
Throw these sick people, plus the parents in jail.
It’s child abuse.
Great article Katrina!! You are a voice that many support! Courage is contagious and you are being so courageous to speak out!!
Alaskan cultures need to be authentic with themselves. They will apparently let anyone with a few bucks in to manipulate and cause havoc. They still sell each other out for a few baubles I guess.
When we forget our First Love, that’s God, we will worship ourselves doing whatever Feels good to ourselves which one example is sexual perversion, worshipping our bodies loving ourselves. Worshipping ourselves invites temptations and sin into our lives while our sin impacts and can involve others lives while you glorify yourself.
Captain Cook explorers were shocked at the readiness of some coastal tribes to sell each other out for mere baubles. Recommend George Washington thoughts regarding civility. People have not improved appreciably with the advent of electricity.
Thank you Katrina. When I saw that the Alaska Native Heritage Center put on that program I was outraged. Follow the money. Someone profited by booking this venue and it was not to extoll traditional native values. It was to subvert and compromise the integrity of our native peoples.
XX = Female
XY = Male
-Your welcome.
Good article. Child molesters have a pattern. The first step is to groom the child & their family so that the child and the family trust the Chester and defenses are lowered. Usually the next step involves slowly pushing boundaries to see what the child will tolerate. Often the following step is exposing the child to pornography to gage their response. This isn’t even level 1 grooming. This is like level 10 grooming.
Pray, pray, pray! If you aren’t praying the rosary everyday, you’re part of the problem (even non-catholics can pray the rosary – go to youtube and look it up; there are several good videos you can just follow along, really easy to do and it only takes about 20 minutes). The rosary is the MOST effective weapon we have to fight for what God wants. And, we’re not praying to Jesus’ mom Mary, we’re “interceeding” (asking) for her to ask her son and the Father to help us. Don’t forget Jesus’ first miracle of changing the water into wine at the wedding at Cana – all because his mama said he would (hard to argue with a Jewish mother!!!)